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7 th Grade L.A. 7 th Grade L.A. Marking Period #1 EXAM JEOPARDY REVIEW.

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Presentation on theme: "7 th Grade L.A. 7 th Grade L.A. Marking Period #1 EXAM JEOPARDY REVIEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th Grade L.A. 7 th Grade L.A. Marking Period #1 EXAM JEOPARDY REVIEW

2 JEOPARDY “The Highwayman” “Oranges” “Mother to Son” “Seventh Grade” and “Was Tarzan a Three-Bandaged Man” “The Cat Who Thought She Was a Dog…” “After Twenty Years” 100 200 300 400 500

3 The Highwayman for 100 What did Bess do to save her love?

4 answer She shot herself to warn him so that he could escape.

5 The Highwayman for 200 This person, who works in the barn, most likely told on Bess and the Highwayman. (Give name and title)

6 answer Tim, the ostler

7 The Highwayman for 300 What type of literary device is used in the phrase “The moon was a ghostly galleon, tossed upon cloudy seas”?

8 answer metaphor, imagery, alliteration

9 The Highwayman for 400 The “Tlot-Tlot” sound of the horse hooves is an example of what device?

10 answer Onomatopoeia, repetition, or auditory imagery

11 The Highwayman for 500 Name two of the major themes for “The Highwayman”.

12 answer Love, betrayal, honor, sacrifice, revenge, etc.

13 “Oranges” and “Mother to Son” for 100 The author of “Oranges” is?

14 answer Gary Soto

15 “Oranges” and “Mother to Son” for 200 The reason the boy is embarrassed in the poem “Oranges” is because?

16 answer He does not have enough money to pay for the chocolate.

17 “Oranges” and “Mother to Son” for 300 The overall theme of “Mother to Son” could be summarized as?

18 answer To keep trying no matter what obstacles life throws in your way.

19 “Oranges” and “Mother to Son” for 400 What is one visual image from “Oranges”?

20 answer  the fire-like glow of the orange  the red cheeks on the girl  the porch light on the house  the tiered candy shelf  the orange or/and nickel on the counter.

21 “Oranges” and “Mother to Son” for 500 Explain who the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) of “Oranges” are and WHY.

22 answer -Protagonist is the Boy (main character, know his thoughts and feelings) -Antagonists are: -Girl- boy wants to impress, doesn’t have money -Shop lady- knows the boy doesn’t have enough money, but expecting payment

23 “Seventh Grade” and “Was Tarzan…”for 100 Other than being with Teresa, what else motivates Victor to be in French class?

24 answer He would like to visit France one day.

25 “Seventh Grade” and “Was Tarzan…” for 200 What does Bill Cosby do to show who he has as his heroes?

26 answer He imitates their physical attributes.  Bandages  Walks bow-legged  Walks pigeon-toed

27 “Seventh Grade” and “Was Tarzan…”for 300 How does Victor’s friend, Michael, get the idea that scowling would impress girls?

28 answer From fashion magazines/male models.

29 “Seventh Grade” for 400 What motivates Mr. Bueller to keep Victor’s secret??

30 answer His past experiences with girls, empathy, sympathy.

31 “Seventh Grade” and “Was Tarzan…”for 500 How do we know that Bill Cosby’s mother is educated?

32 answer She keeps mentioning historical figures and alludes to famous books

33 “The Cat…” 100 What is the setting for this story?

34 answer A small hut outside a village in the past, probably in Eastern Europe.

35 “The Cat…” for 200 What caused the unhappiness in the household?

36 answer The mirror, which revealed their “imperfections” to themselves.

37 “The Cat…” for 300 Identify and explain two types of major conflict in this story.

38 answer Man vs. Man (the dog and cat fighting) Man vs. Himself (everyone unhappy with their appearance)

39 “The Cat…” for 400 How does the setting affect the characters’ reactions to the mirror?

40 answer Because they are poor, they’ve never had the chance to look at themselves fully. Because they’re far from the village, they only had each other to compare to.

41 “The Cat…” for 500 What is the moral of the story?

42 answer what is on the inside is what really counts. Beauty is more than skin- deep.

43 “After Twenty Years” for 100 Who are the two main characters?

44 answer “Silky” Bob Policeman Jimmy Wells

45 “After Twenty Years” for 200 Describe the setting.

46 answer New York City Early 1900’s Around 10pm Misty, cold, windy night A darkened doorway

47 “After Twenty Years” for 300 What was the agreement made between the friends?

48 answer To meet at the same place and time after twenty year and check up on each other’s lives

49 “After Twenty Years” for 400 How does Jimmy identify Bob as a criminal?

50 answer He sees his face in the match flare and remembers his face from the wanted poster.

51 “After Twenty Years” for 500 What is ironic about Jimmy becoming a police officer?

52 answer He is the one who must arrest his criminal friend, the one who took a completely opposite path in life.

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