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The American Revolution Beginnings and The Declaration of Independence.

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2 The American Revolution Beginnings and The Declaration of Independence

3 I. First Continental Congress A.Met in response to closing of Boston Harbor (October 1774) B.Representatives Compromise 1.Boycott British goods - peaceful 2.Prepare for battle - war C.Declaration of Rights 1.List of colonists’ rights (life, liberty, and property) 2.Not seeking separation from Britain Read section on Patrick Henry

4 II. “Shot Heard ‘round the World” A.Minutemen 1.Knew the British were trying to seize supplies in Concord (April 1775) 2.“One if by land, two if by sea” 3.Paul Revere and William Dawes sounded the alarm Read “Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride”

5 II. “Shot Heard ‘round the World” (cont.) B.Lexington and Concord 1.First battle - British move to Concord 2.Concord had been warned; supplies hidden 3.Colonists charged firing the “shot heard ‘round the world” Watch “Schoolhouse Rock!” video

6 III. Second Continental Congress A.Represented first attempt at a republican government for the colonies (May 1775) B.Should they seek peace or war with Great Britain? C.Authorized the Continental Army D.Appointed a Virginian to be commander in chief… George Washington!

7 A.Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill) 1.2,400 British soldiers vs. 1,600 militia members 2.British twice retreated, eventually victorious 3.Moral victory for colonists IV. Early Battles

8 B.Dorchester Heights 1.Washington arrives in Boston 2.Henry Knox brings cannons from Ticonderoga 3.General William Howe (British) retreats to Canada IV. Early Battles (cont.)

9 V. Common Sense A.Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet B.Argued that citizens, not kings, should make laws C.Called for the people’s right to rule themselves D.Spoke out against tyranny - abuse of government

10 VI. Declaration of Independence A.Thomas Jefferson 1.Chosen to write the Declaration 2.All people possess unalienable rights - “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” B.Signing 1.Continental Congress approved on July 4, 1776 2.John Hancock signed it “so King George could read it without his spectacles” Reading on the Declaration of Independence

11 VI. Declaration of Independence (cont.) C.Left Out 1.Women (read quote by Abigail Adams, page 120) 2.African Americans - Jefferson actually wanted to end slavery 3.Native Americans - their unalienable rights not originally included Who were the signers of the Declaration of Independence?

12 VII. Taking Sides A.Patriots - people who wanted to break away from Great Britain B.Loyalists (Tories) - people who sided with the British C.Many colonists still remained neutral D.Native Americans - helped both sides

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