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Roman Society, Culture, and Religion

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1 Roman Society, Culture, and Religion

2 Wealthy vs Poor Rich- city homes and villas Running water and baths
Politicians Practiced public-speaking Crowded apartment buildings Frequent fires

3 Bread and Circuses Circuses Circus Maximus or Coliseum
Chariot races Free food and entertainment Circus Maximus or Coliseum Mimes, jugglers, theater dancers, acrobats, etc. Fights b/w animals and/ or humans Gladiator fights

4 Public Baths Bathing and hygiene for health Hot pools and cold pools
Cleaning and socializing Steam rooms, exercise facilities, and meeting rooms

5 Roman Families Patriarchal Paterfamilias
Adoption- sons to carry family name More freedom for lower class women Paterfamilias- family father. Oldest living male and had extensive powers over other members of the family

6 Education and Religion
Mostly home schooled Schools- Latin, Greek, law, math, public speaking Polytheistic Worshipped gods from many cultures penates Augurs Penates- local household god Augurs- interpreted signs in nature… color of insides of sacrificed animals, pattern of a birds flight Minerva- goddess of wisdom, learning and arts. Daughter of Jupiter. (like Greek god Athena)

7 Cultural Legacy Galen Ptolemy Applied knowledge
Aqueducts, grid system, concrete, etc. Round arch, vault, domes, etc. Civil law Romance languages Came from Latin Galen- a physician who collected and organized information in several volumes of books… considered the greatest authority on medicine Ptolemy- earth is center of universe Civil Law- dealing with rights of private citizens Romance languages- French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese

8 Judaism and Christianity
Based on beliefs and customs of Jesus of Nazareth and Judaism

9 Judaism 63 BC Romans conquered Judea Monotheistic The deal
Jews to practice their religion Paid tribute to Rome

10 Jews and Romans Zealots Armed resistance Others waited for the Messiah
Spiritual leader Would restore Jewish leadership in Jerusalem Bring peace Zealots- called on fellow Jews to rise up and drive the Romans from Judea and re-establish the Kingdom of Israel

11 Jesus of Nazareth Four Gospels Carpenter
First four books in New Testament New Testament + Hebrew Bible= Christian Bible today Carpenter Studied writings of Jewish prophets Redemption and warning Disciples Performed miracles Repent Humility, mercy and charity Matthew (12 apostles), Mark (Peter’s son and recorded what Peter said about Jesus), Luke (doctor and co-worker with Paul; collected accounts and interviews about Jesus) and John (12 apostles)

12 Death of Jesus Jesus Christ- Greek word for Messiah
Romans feared political uprising Jesus was tried and found guilty Resurrected Jesus Christ- Greek word for Messiah

13 Christianity Spreads Disciples (apostles) spread Jesus’s teachings
Paul spread Christianity to non-Jews Changed food restrictions People liked message of love and eternal life No social restrictions Eventual Roman religious toleration

14 Christian Church Eucharist Baptism
Priests- authority from Jesus through Apostles Bishop Pope- bishop of Rome

15 Constantine Converted in early 300s “In this sign, conquer”
Edict of Milan Made Christianity legal Christianity spread Polytheism disappeared

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