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3 Main Religions of the Middle East

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1 3 Main Religions of the Middle East
Judaism, Christianity, Islam

2 Judaism The oldest of the three faiths is ___Judaism__. It developed among a people called the _Hebrews_ . Much of what we know about the Hebrews comes from their writings which later turned into the _Bible_. The founder of the Hebrews was a shepherd from _Sumer_ named _Abraham_. Around 2000 B.C., __Abraham_ led his family to an area called _Palestine_. The Bible says _God_ commanded them to move there. If Abraham obeyed, God promised him ___a new nation_. That agreement gave birth to ___Israel__. Descendents lived there for many years but eventually moved to __Egypt_. In Egypt, they were __slaves__.

3 Judaism __Moses_ led the Jews out of __Egypt_ and in search of the “__Promised Land_”. Today, Jews still celebrate the _Exodus_, the escape from __slavery_ in Egypt. During Moses’ journey, the Bible tells that __Moses_ brought the Ten Commandments, The Hebrew God’s laws, to his _people_. They stressed the _importance_ of worshiping _God_. They also taught people to honor__ their parents and how to live together in __peace_. People should not _lie_, __steal__, or __kill__.

4 Judaism God’s Rule is an _agreement__to live by _God’s_ laws in return for his _protection__ called a _covenant_. Judaism is a __monotheistic_ religion. They believe in only one God. The Jewish religious text of ___Moses__ is known as the __Torah___. These are the first ___5__ books of the teachings of Moses. Torah means to “_show the way_” or “__to teach_”. Mosaic law values _human life_ more than older laws. It also guides Hebrews’ __daily_ lives. Hebrews cannot work on the _Sabbath_, the 7th day of the week. It is a day of __worship_ and rest.

5 Christianity Jesus was born in __Bethlehem____ during troubled times. He was born to a poor young woman and her carpenter husband. He grew up a faithful _Jew_ in Nazareth. Most of what we know of Jesus comes from the first _four _ books of the New Testament in the _Christian_ Bible. These books are known as _Gospels_, and tell that Jesus_ studied the writings of Jewish _prophets_. Eventually, Jesus began to preach. The people who followed him were called __disciples__ and help spread his messages. He told people that God would judge __humanity_. Those who asked for _forgiveness__ for their _sins_ and believed in ___God_ would live with God forever.

6 Christianity He had TWO basic teachings: love _God_ above all else, and love _others_ as much as they loved themselves_. All people should be humble__ and kind. His message of love and forgiveness drew large crowds. Authorities in Jerusalem felt Jesus was putting himself above religious and civil law. According to the Gospels_, the __Romans_ crucified Jesus. He was nailed to a _cross_ and left there to die. After death, he was buried, but _rose__ from the __dead__ three days later, leading to the _Resurrection____.

7 Christianity Jesus lived among his disciples for _40_ days and then _rose_ into heaven. This led the disciples to believe he was the _Messiah_. They called him Jesus _Christ_. Christos was the _Greek_ word for _Messiah_. From this word we get the name for __Christianity_. Early Christians taught that because Jesus died for them and __conquered_ all death, all people could be _saved_. Everyone’s sins could be _forgiven_ and they could live again after _death_.

8 CHRISTIANITY At first, disciples only preached to Jews, but _Paul_ said people didn’t have to be Jews to be Christians. His encouraging letters to Christian communities makes up a large portion of the _New Testament_. This part of the Bible tells the stories of _Jesus___, __his followers_, and later __Christian ideas_. The Christian faith is based on the message of the New Testament.

9 ISLAM The third of the _great ___________ religions is Islam. It developed in Southwest Asia and is _monotheistic_. It began in _Saudi Arabia_. _Muhammad____ heard a voice of an angel. It ordered Muhammad to _tell__ about the glories of Allah___--“God” in Arabic. Over the next _22_ years, Muhammad received __hundreds_ of messages. Those messages were either memorized or _written_ down. After his death, followers put down those messages in one book called the __Qur’an__. It is written in _Arabic__ and contains _114__ chapters.

10 Islam Muhammad began with two basic ideas:
First, there is only one _God_. Second, everyone who believed in _God_ had to follow his _laws_. Islam was founded in _Mecca_. In 622, Muhammad and his followers fled to _Medina_. That was called a _hijrah__, or flight. It marked the beginning of the Islamic ___calendar_.

11 ISLAM Five Pillars of Islam:
1:_Say there is only one God and Muhammad is God’s prophet__ 2:_Pray 5 times a day toward Mecca__ 3:_help the poor_ 4:_Fast during holy month of Ramadan_ 5:__Go on a pilgrimage to Mecca____ Other rules of Islam: _No Alcohol or Pork; 4 wives but treat with respect; rules about inheriting property and treatment of slaves. Muslims believe that people who obey God’s _rules____________ go to a _paradise__ when they die.

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