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Early School Age: 4-6 years Psychosocial Crisis: Initiative vs. Guilt.

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Presentation on theme: "Early School Age: 4-6 years Psychosocial Crisis: Initiative vs. Guilt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early School Age: 4-6 years Psychosocial Crisis: Initiative vs. Guilt

2 Developmental Tasks Gender –Labeling (2-3) –Stable over time (3-4) –Constant, regardless of changes in markers (4-7) Early moral development Self theory Peer play

3 Gender identity-one aspect of sexual identity Five continua to reflect sexual identity. –Biological sex: female………………..male –Gender identity: girlness…...boyness –Gender preference: fem………..masc –Gender role standards: fem………..masc –Sexual orientation: hetero-………..homo- sexualsexual

4 How does gender identity develop? What behaviors and characteristics are associated with femininity? With masculinity? Essential differences Socially constructed differences Between groups and within group differences-testosterone as an example

5 Biological correlations 1.Hormonal (neurochemical) influences Prenatally and during puberty High amount of androgen linked with preference for “boy” toys. Testosterone is linked with aggression, spatial ability, eye contact and libido. Estrogen is linked with communication, caring social bx 2.Brain anatomy/structure more white matter in male brains (on average) more connectors between hemispheres (corpus callosum) in girls. 3.Brain functioning Activation in more areas of female brains in emotion provoking situations The E-S model (Baron-Cohen)-is there a female and male brain? Empathizing brain-44% of females, 17% of males Systemizing brain-54% of males, 17% of females Balanced brain-39% of females, 29% of males

6 Social Learning and Social Role Theories 4-6 year olds are aware of gender categories and expectations. What are the consequences for conforming or not conforming to the social expectations? What influences whether we learn through social learning? –Power and status of the role model –Consequences experienced –Identification with the model

7 Moral Development Morality: What is it? “…principles or rules of right conduct and the distinction between right and wrong.” (text)

8 Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development 1 st stage-preconventional: Is there punishment or reward? How will my family and I be affected? 2 nd stage-conventional What does the authority say? How do we maintain order? 3 rd stage=postconventional What are my principles for “right behavior?” What are universal principles for “right behavior?”

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