WELCOME BACK!.  Final grades have been submitted for Semester One.  This class is based in participation. Guess how many assignments were homework assignments?

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2  Final grades have been submitted for Semester One.  This class is based in participation. Guess how many assignments were homework assignments? GRADES

3  Bring a pen/pencil to class each day.  Some kind of journal  If we are working on a performance piece, you must bring your script. REQUIRED MATERIALS

4  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to complete make-up work, including journal.  I accept late work for partial credit!  If you are absent on the day of a performance, you will not get credit. ABSENCES AND LATE WORK

5  You must pick up your trash, or there will be no more food/drinks in class.  ABSOLUTELY NO food, drinks, or gum in the theatre.  Cell phones and music when directed PROCEDURES

6  Crew interviews for Les Miserables on Friday at 2:45pm  Drama Club sign-ups  We meet most Fridays from 2:45pm – 3:45pm ANNOUNCEMENTS

7  We will start the semester by reading a play in class.  This semester, we will also work on group scenes, production, theatre history, playwriting, the audition process, and improv skills. UPCOMING

8  Only half of a page  Set at least 3 goals for the rest of the school year. Include academic and personal goals. What did you do well last semester? What didn’t go well last semester? This can be in this class or other classes. JOURNAL 1

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