The Study of Living Things. 100-90% = A 89 80% = B 79 -70% = C 69 -60% = D 59 – 0% = F.

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Presentation on theme: "The Study of Living Things. 100-90% = A 89 80% = B 79 -70% = C 69 -60% = D 59 – 0% = F."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Study of Living Things


3 100-90% = A 89 80% = B 79 -70% = C 69 -60% = D 59 – 0% = F

4  Biology Text book  Interactive reader – can write on  Study guide – can write on  These will always remain at home  If the student does not have one, go to the textbook room or Welcome Center

5  Homework will be given frequently during the week. Almost every day.  Homework is due the next day its assigned unless specified.  Homework is posted on the Sylmar High School WebsiteSylmar High School Website

6  Homework can be turned in one day late.  Late projects and labs will receive 10% off each day its late.

7  Extra credit is not available for students to make up work they missed or to improve their grade.  If a student wants to improve their grade they must do so by retaking exams and quizzes and raising their scores on them.

8  Wednesdays after school  Room 64  3:00 – 4:00

9  Students can come during office hours during offcie hours to retake or take missed exams and quizzes.  If it’s a retake student must bring their original.  Student can only retake a test or quiz once. The score they obtain on the retake will be their final score  If a student is caught with cell phone or any electronic device during the test it will be considered cheating and they will receive a zero.  If a student is caught cheating any other way, they will receive a zero and may not be allowed to retake any assessment for the rest of the semester.

10  Students will be asked to TYPE projects and labs.  Computer labs and printing ◦ School library ◦ Computer lab in room 1 ◦ Sylmar Public library (has free printing during certain hours of the day. Check with library)

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