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Knowledge Connections Definition Picture Term Vocabulary  IndustrialismTextile.

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1 Knowledge Connections Definition Picture Term Vocabulary  IndustrialismTextile

2 Essential Question Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain?

3 What changed during this revolution? While political revolutions swept through Europe and beyond… a new kind of revolution started in Great Britain in the 1700s This revolution would result in INDUSTRIALISM Using machines instead of animal and human power

4 What was society like before? Before this change took place… Most of the world was based on AGRICULTURE farming

5 Why the sudden change? Many factors made contributed in the switch to industry:  People began buying, selling, trading raw materials  Trading had increased the money supply  People were moving to cities for business and manufacturing jobs

6 Why Great Britain? Great Britain turned out to be the perfect place for the Industrial Revolution to begin… Why? Natural resources Access to water A large population and

7 What resourced were there? NATURAL RESOURCES Great Britain was rich in natural resources, such as… CoalIron Coal was replacing wood as a source of fuel for machines Iron was used to build machines and make steel and

8 Why is water so important? ACCESS TO WATER Great Britain’s rivers flowed all year round...  Powered machines  Transported materials Rivers:  Connected areas

9 Where are the people? LARGE POPULATION Great Britain had the markets to sell manufactured goods It also had: A huge empire with lots of colonies Plenty of ships to sail their goods around the world

10 What are textiles? The first change from handmade goods to machine made goods showed up in the TEXTILE industry cloth People used to: 1.Go house to house 2. Bring sheep wool to workers 3. Use hand power to spin looms and wheels 4. Spin the wool into cloth in their home 5. Merchants would pick up cloth and take it to be sold

11 How did production change? Because the old method was too slow… Merchants developed machines that could spin wool faster They used water as a source of power Factories began popping up near streams and rivers

12 What is a factory? This began the FACTORY SYSTEM System of bringing workers and machines together in one place – the FACTORY After coal became a power source, factories could be built anywhere

13 Why the focus on urban areas? This began the process of URBANIZATION Movement of people from rural to urban areas Towns grew around the factories Now, more people lived in cities than ever before

14 How did the ideas spread? Britain tried to guard its industrial secrets by forbidding the export of machines or skilled workers But…  Workers followed money and opportunities elsewhere  Investors saw the opportunity to make more money elsewhere  Factories and railroads began popping up all over the world

15 Who used Britain’s ideas? United States Germany Japan Technological secrets slipped out of Britain through people such as SAMUEL SLATER Began buying British machines in the early 1800s Benefited from trade with U.S. after it’s industrialization

16 Essential Question Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain?

17 Why Britain?

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