Islam Founded: 622 AD. Islam’s Key Beliefs Belief in heaven, hell, and afterlifeBelief in heaven, hell, and afterlife 5 Pillars:5 Pillars:5 Pillars5 Pillars.

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1 Islam Founded: 622 AD

2 Islam’s Key Beliefs Belief in heaven, hell, and afterlifeBelief in heaven, hell, and afterlife 5 Pillars:5 Pillars:5 Pillars5 Pillars 1)Only one God-Allah and Muhammad is his prophet 2)Pray 5x/day 3)Charity 4)Fast during Ramadan 5)Pilgramage to Mecca

3 Islam’s Holy Book is the Qur’an Word of Allah as given to MuhammadWord of Allah as given to MuhammadMuhammad Muslims believe Muhammad ascended to heaven over a period of time where he received messages from Allah through the angel GabrielMuslims believe Muhammad ascended to heaven over a period of time where he received messages from Allah through the angel Gabriel

4 Islam’s Divisions (Sects) Sunni and Shi’aSunni and Shi’a –The division among Muslims began with disagreements about who should lead after the death of Muhammad. –Sunnis believe that anyone with a deep understanding of Islam and the Qur’an can lead Muslims –Shi’as believe that only direct descendants of Muhammad can lead Muslims

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