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ASSEMBLIES /RMS Helping Them WIN! 1 Ready! Set! GO!! ETIQUETTE: Review the expected behavior before the assembly. Establish the fact that side conversations.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSEMBLIES /RMS Helping Them WIN! 1 Ready! Set! GO!! ETIQUETTE: Review the expected behavior before the assembly. Establish the fact that side conversations."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSEMBLIES /RMS Helping Them WIN! 1 Ready! Set! GO!! ETIQUETTE: Review the expected behavior before the assembly. Establish the fact that side conversations detract from the ability of the audience to stay focused and alert. For those who feel the behavioral expectations are too great, present alternatives to attending the assembly in a non-threatening way. LOADING/UNLOADING: This is done differently across the country. Some schools bring the underclasses in and have them stand as the seniors take their places. Others load the room by academic classes, while still others use open seating. Whatever system you use, the entire audience should be centered so that the presentation can be focused. When dismissing the crowd, doing so by sections is often the safest and most orderly method. CROWD CONTROL: To help facilitate a successful assembly, teachers should sit in the crowd with the students and demonstrate the behavior they want students to exhibit. By participating in the event, they set the example for students to follow. If a student needs to be removed for any reason, the removal should be accomplished quickly and orderly. READY! The Audience: Etiquette, Loading & Unloading, Crowd Control SET! Attention: Getting it, Keeping it, Helping them Win! GO! The Event-- Helping Them Win! GETTING ATTENTION: Make sure you fit the attention-getter with the purpose of the assembly. For example, don’t use a spirit yell to launch an awards assembly. Fade out the entrance music, use a Spirit Key or your school’s mascot to focus the group’s attention. KEEPING ATTENTION: Highlight members of your student body to keep attention -- for example, the school band can perform as part of the assembly. Also, a test or extra-credit assignment over the material covered in the assembly encourages everyone to pay close attention throughout. HELPING THEM WIN! Determine ahead of time those who may have the most difficulty paying attention. Seat them with staff members to help, and work with them to further emphasize the necessity of proper audience behavior. THE EVENT! 1. Have a person in authority meet, calm, and quiet the group. 2. Compliment the audience -- find something nice to say. 3. Explain the reasons for the meeting and review the expected behavior. 4. Introduce Emcee: give a gracious introduction of the person including accomplishments and titles. Call for applause. 5. Emcee introduces performance. 6. Performance. 7. Closure: The emcee thanks the performer or speaker and calls for more applause; the administrator congrat- ulates the audience for good behavior, and the audience is dismissed by the emcee with instructions for exiting the area. 8. Evaluation: After the event, in the classroom, either by discussion, short paper, or an evaluation form. Evaluation validates everyone who attended as important and invites them to play a part in determining what elements of assemblies are beneficial and which elements need improvement.

2 ASSEMBLIES /RMS Helping Them WIN! 2 ITEM A c t i o n T a k e n ASSEMBLY FUNCTION - Celebration / Recognition - Education / Information - Motivation / Inspiration RESERVE ASSEMBLY SITE - Gymnasium - Auditorium - Cafeteria - Multi-Purpose Room - Other: DETERMINE ALTERNATIVES - Study Hall - Other: VISUAL ELEMENTS - Risers for Presenter AUDIO ELEMENTS - Sound System - Music LENGTH OF ASSEMBLY: OPTIONAL ELEMENTS - Presentation of the Colors - Invocation AUDIENCE ETIQUETTE - Attendees review before event CROWD CONTROL - Seating arrangement - Teachers sitting with students - Praise for good behavior 1 Delegated to NOTES DeadlineCompleted/ Whom? DateEvaluated READY!

3 ASSEMBLIES /RMS Helping Them WIN! 3 SET! ITEM A c t i o n T a k e n GETTING ATTENTION - Spirit Key - Mascot - Music stopping KEEPING ATTENTION - Extra-credit on material - Use the band - Staff help kids pay attention GO!! - THE EVENT AUTHORITY FIGURE: - Meet the group - Calm & quiet the group - Praise the group - Review reasons for assembly - Review expected behavior - Introduce assembly Emcee EMCEE - Introduces performance PERFORMANCE CLOSURE - Emcee thanks presenter - Authority figure thanks Emcee - Praise audience behavior - Final applause DISMISSAL EVALUATION - Develop an Evaluation Form - Content & Performance - Preparation & Structure - Audience Behavior Delegated to NOTES DeadlineCompleted/ Whom? DateEvaluated 2

4 ASSEMBLIES /RMS Helping Them WIN! 4 Because of the cultural and religious diversity in the United States of America, audiences usually consist of many varied religious groups. It is inappropriate to single out one religion or interpretation of God and spirituality in such a setting. Any and all references to religion should be consistent with the diversity of the audience and should respect diverse viewpoints. Invocation Optional Elements Different assemblies call for different elements. The purpose of your assembly will determine which events you include. It is important to understand the reasons for and protocol of assembly components such as an Invocation or the Presentation of the Colors. The presentation of colors is an reaffirmation of our unity and a celebration of our heritage. It demonstrates our respect for those who have fought and died for our freedoms, which in turn built our institutions. We participate in the presentation of the colors to show our desire to continue working for freedom and equality. It is good to review with your student body the reasons for the presentation of the colors to help everyone understand the motivations for this ceremony. Doing so emphasizes its importance and significance. Audience members should stand straight and proud, while quietly remembering the reasons for the ceremony. It is appropriate to cover your heart with your right hand as a salute to what you stand for and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance when called for. The audience should remain standing until the colors are posted or retired and applaud after the colors have been retired. Presentation of Colors

5 ASSEMBLIES /RMS Helping Them WIN! 5 Please rate the content of the assembly: Not so great Okay Excellent! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Additional comments: ______________________________________________________________________ Please rate the preparation and structure of the assembly: Not so great Okay Excellent! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Additional comments: ______________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to fill out this comment card. Your opinion is important for planning assemblies in the future. Please rate the audience behavior at the assembly: Not so great Okay Excellent! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Additional comments: ______________________________________________________________________ Please list topics that would be good assembly topics for the future: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Please rate the content of the assembly: Not so great Okay Excellent! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Additional comments: ______________________________________________________________________ Please rate the preparation and structure of the assembly: Not so great Okay Excellent! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Additional comments: ______________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to fill out this comment card. Your opinion is important for planning assemblies in the future. Please rate the audience behavior at the assembly: Not so great Okay Excellent! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Additional comments: ______________________________________________________________________ Please list topics that would be good assembly topics for the future: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 4

6 ASSEMBLIES /RMS Helping Them WIN! 6 Memo Date: To: From: Subject: ____________________________________________________________________________ Ladies and Gentlemen: It seems appropriate to explain some of the expectations of our assembly program at (name of school). We human beings gather in large audiences to listen to new ideas and to gather useful information for our lives; celebrate both personal and group accomplishments and to get excited and to be entertained. Different behaviors are acceptable for each of these gatherings. You will be in information-gathering audiences all the rest of your life -- in college; at political rallies; in churches, synagogues, and mosques; and in theaters. Knowing what is polite and acceptable behavior and practicing that behavior is in everyone’s best interest. We would not want you to embarrass yourself by not knowing what to do in such situations. Because of the nature of large gatherings, it is not acceptable to sit and visit with those around you. The murmur is distracting to others and it appears rude to the speaker. Everyone needs to sit quietly and concentrate on what is being said. That is the polite and respectful thing to do. It allows others in the audience to get the maximum benefit from the presentation. If you believe you will be tempted to carry on side conversations with those around you while the presentation is in progress, please move to a location with less possible distractions. If you believe you will have difficulty paying attention, please let us know so we can make other arrangements for a better use of your time and energy. We have established another room for your use as a study hall. You may choose to go there if you wish. If you choose to attend the assembly and if for some reason we need to ask you to leave, please leave quietly so the others can continue to enjoy the presentation. Also, if you need to leave early and you know it ahead of time, sit in the back or near a door so your leaving will be as inconspicuous as possible. Thank you! Many presenters ask for audience participation. Appropriate responses are part of the group experience and help each audience member maximize the experience. To that end, it is best to participate if what you are asked to do does not offend you or compromise your beliefs. Not every presentation you will attend in your life will be interesting and action packed. We do the best we can to bring you a variety of presentations to accommodate the variety of tastes and concerns here. Of course, we are each expected to sit attentively and quietly even through those we find less than stimulating. It is the tradition here at (name of school) to provide our presenters with a polite and attentive audience. If you have some ideas on how we can improve the large group program, I am most anxious to hear from you. Thank you for your attention and respect. 1

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