Unit 2: Population Chapter 3: Migration. Migration 3 Reasons people migrate: ①Economic Opportunity ②Cultural Freedom ③Environmental Comfort Migration.

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1 Unit 2: Population Chapter 3: Migration

2 Migration 3 Reasons people migrate: ①Economic Opportunity ②Cultural Freedom ③Environmental Comfort Migration is a type of relocation diffusion 2 way connection: To & From Immigration (I) vs. Emigration (E) Net migration = in – out – Demographic equation: P new = P old + B – D + I – E P is population, B is total births, D is total deaths Mobility & Circulation

3 Key Issue #1: Why Do People Migrate? Ravenstein’s 11 Laws of Migration Reasons: o Mostly economic, some cultural/environmental o Push & Pull factors o Economic Push & Pull Jobs, resources, industries, pop. growth/decline, money o Cultural Push & Pull Forced emigration – slavery, political instability (war, genocide, etc.) Refugees – forced out, cannot return, must be allowed in another country, Africa--largest # of refugees o Largest international refugees: Palestinian Arabs, Afghans, Syrians, Iraqis, Somalis (1 million or more for each) o Largest internal “refugees” (internally displaced persons): Sudan, Iraq, Colombia, Syria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Ukraine (each over 1 mil)

4 Key Issue #1: Why Do People Migrate? o Cultural Push & Pull Over 19.5 million registered international refugees (does not include undocumented refugees or internally displaced persons) – Destination (asylum) countries by refugee population: » Pakistan, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iran (1 mil + each) 38.2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) Voluntary migration – religion, government, freedoms, language, family, cultural similarities o Environmental Push & Pull Attractiveness of climate, landforms, water Proximity to conveniences Allergies Push of disease, lack of water, climate, flooding, disasters o Intervening Obstacles Hinder migration or block In past, landforms & water Now, political, cultural & economic obstacles (documentation, costs, cultural fears/differences)

5 Key Issue #1: Why Do People Migrate? Distance of Migration o Most relocate short distances & remain in country o Intervening opportunity – closer opportunities/places are more attractive to migrants than equal or slightly better opportunities further away o Long distance migrants head for major cities o Place utility – perceived desirability of a place vs. other places o Internal Migration Within same country & typically shorter distance More numerous (relates to distance-decay) Similar culture/customs 2 types: ①Interregional – 1 region to another (city to city, state to state, rural in one region to city in another region, etc.) ②Intraregional – within 1 region (urban to suburbs of city, rural to urban in same region)

6 Key Issue #1: Why Do People Migrate? o International Migration 1 country to another 2 types: ①Voluntary – economic push & pull ②Forced – cultural push & pull Step migration – migration to a distant location in a series of shorter, intermediate migrations Wilbur Zelinsky’s Migration Transition (compare to Demographic Transition) o Stage 1 – No migration or migration related to nomadism o Stage 2 – International migration with some interregional (urbanization) o Stage 3 – mostly interregional (urbanization) o Stage 4 – internal, particularly intraregional (suburbs)

7 Key Issue #1: Why Do People Migrate? Characteristics of Migrants o For long-distances – most are male & adults w/o kids o Gender – most are males looking for jobs o Increasing # of women to U.S. from Mexico (changing role of women in Mexico – jobs) o Family Status – young adults seeking work, very few are old o # of migrating children is increasing recently as # of women increase (education concerns) o Most Mexican immigrants go to border states (CA, TX, etc.) but come from interior of Mexico o Seasonal migration for farming o Return migration to home country often once a certain amount of money is made o Many undocumented immigrants have jobs in home country but search for more money o Quick employment – low wages, more hours, no benefits, threatened with deportation if complain

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