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CIM Reports 2013 Presentation to the General Committee March 25 th 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "CIM Reports 2013 Presentation to the General Committee March 25 th 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIM Reports 2013 Presentation to the General Committee March 25 th 2014

2 CIM Reports 2013  Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) to the General Assembly  Report of the Secretary General on the Implementation of the “Inter-American Program on Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality” in Accordance with Resolution (XLIII-O/13)  Report on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, “Convention of Belém do Pará” in fulfillment of Resolution AG/RES.2803/13 (XLIII-O/13) CIM/doc.123 /14 CIM/doc.125/14 CIM/doc.124/14

3 Operational context  2 mandates from the General Assembly – of a permanent and ongoing nature: - Implementation of the IAP - Coordination of the Follow-up Mechanism to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI)  10 specific mandates from the CIM Executive Committee - 4 have been fulfilled - 6 are in progress  CIM Strategic Plan 2011-2016: - The CIM as a hemispheric policy forum for women’s rights and gender equality - Coordination with other OAS departments/entities - 4 thematic pillars of the OAS: Democracy, Human Rights, Security and Development - Institutionalization of gender in the work of the OAS

4 Democracy: Women’s political citizenship  Book: “Women’s citizenship in the democracies of the Americas”  Book “Banking on parity: Democratizing the political system in Latin America (Ecuador, Bolivia and Costa Rica)”  Second Consultation with Parliamentarians of the Americas (October 2013)  Event to support the reform of the Political Party Law in Guatemala (October 2013)  Collaboration with DECO – gender-sensitive electoral observation

5 Human Rights: Women’s human rights and gender-based violence  Identification and dissemination of good practices in gender justice –17 good practices: police, prosecutors, supreme courts, executive, civil society, international community –Collaboration agreements with Supreme Courts of the region –Virtual course on gender justice  Human rights of women living with HIV –Collaboration agreement with UNAIDS –“Toolkit” on the rights of young women living with HIV  Production of data on violence against women in the OECS member states

6  Policy round-table on women and drugs in the Americas (June 2013)  Gathering of data/information and experiences from Member States  Collaboration with CICAD and research centres  Inclusion of the issue in the Declaration of Antigua  Policy working paper  Policy round-table on women, drug policy and incarceration in the Americas (March 31 st 2014) Security: Citizen security from a gender perspective

7 MESECVI Annual Report  Progress of the Second Follow-up Round: - Adoption and circulation of the “System of progress indicators for measuring the implementation of the Belém do Pará Convention - Reports received from 17 countries  V Conference of States Party (November) - Adoption of agreements on strengthening the MESECVI - Working Group on strengthening the MESECVI  X Meeting of the Committee of Experts (September) - Adoption of agreements on strengthening the CEVI  Guide to using the Belém do Pará Convention  20 th anniversary of the Convention

8 Annual Report on the Implementation of the IAP EntityQuestionnaires sent (#) Responses received (#) Response rate ( %) 201020112012201320102011201220132010201120122013 GS/OAS Departments 333432292526272575.876.584.486.2 Autonomous/ decentralized entities 589105899100 90 Total Questionnaire 1 384241393034363478.9818887.2 Offices in MS303128 151614 5051.650 Total Questionnaire 2 303128 151614 5051.650 Responses to the questionnaire circulated by CIM Integration of gender in the work of the OAS

9  Do you have a strategy to integrate a rights-based and gender equality approach into your entity’s activities? Annual Report on the Implementation of the IAP

10  Do you have the necessary technical capacity to implement a rights-based and gender equality approach? Annual Report on the Implementation of the IAP

11  Launch of the virtual course “Gender Equality and Rights-based approach to Policies, Programs and Projects” - 3 editions between January 2013 and February 2014 - 101 graduates – 27 from GS/OAS and 74 from the region  Qualitative progress in the work of many departments of the GS/OAS and the autonomous and decentralized organizations  The majority of entities would like to continue counting on support and capacity-building from the CIM: - Gender training, particularly for field-based project personnel - Targeted technical support to programs and projects - Strengthening collaboration with CIM - Exchange of information and good practices Annual Report on the Implementation of the IAP

12 Distribution of resources 201220132014 OAS Regular Budget $85,350,800$83,870,500$82,978,100 CIM Regular Budget $1,254,000 (1.5%) $1,295,100 (1.5%) $ 1,355,400 (1.6%) OAS Staff (regular budget) 464431435 CIM Staff (regular budget) 6 (1.3%) 8 (1.9%) 8 (1.8%)

13 Perspectives in 2014: Proposed prioritization Prioritization of CIM work on the basis of its comparative advantages:  Human rights and gender-based violence –MESECVI –Gender justice/women’s access to justice –Indicators of the exercise of women’s human rights  Women’s political citizenship and democracy –Women’s leadership in public policy from a gender perspective –Training with electoral institutions on women’s rights, quota laws and parity  Institutionalization of gender in the work of the OAS –Institutional gender policy –Coordination with PEC and its Working Group –Specific support to other departments/entities of the OAS

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