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Presentation on theme: "11 Department of Economic Development, Trade & Tourism, Tourism Office PREPARATORY MEETING TO THE XIX INTER-AMERICAN TRAVEL CONGRESS REPORT OF THE PERMANENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 22 Overview of Tourism in the Americas Tourism Mandates General Secretariat’s tourism related projects and activities Alliances Matrix on implementation of Resolutions and Recommendations of the XVIII Congress Structure of Presentation

3 33 The travel and tourism industry is recovering from the effects a significant downturn associated with the recent global economic recession. International tourist arrivals have grown by close to 5% in the first two months of 2011, consolidating the 7% rebound registered in 2010. The Congress is being convened at important time. - A timely forum for hemispheric discussion and sharing experiences - Opportunity for discussion on emerging issues in the sector such as corporate social responsibility in the tourism supply chain. - Role of tourism in poverty reduction Introduction

4 44 Overview of Tourism in the Americas

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7 77 TOURISM MANDATES AG/RES. 2089 (XXXV-O/05) XIX INTER-AMERICAN TRAVEL CONGRESS (Adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 7, 2005) Fort-Lauderdale, Florida, AG/RES. 2201 (XXXVI-O/06) STRATEGIC PLAN FOR PARTNERSHIP FOR INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT 2006-2009 (Adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 6, 2006). AG/RES. 2212 (XXXVI-O/06) FOSTERING THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM (Adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 6, 2006) Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic AG/RES. 2591 (XL-O/10) THE IMPORTANCE OF TOURISM COOPERATION IN THE AMERICAS1/ (Adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 8, 2010) Lima, Peru AG/RES. 2639 (XLI-O/11) ADAPTATION OF THE INTER-AMERICAN TRAVEL CONGRESSES TO THE CIDI FRAMEWORK AND HOLDING OF THE XIX INTER- AMERICAN TRAVEL CONGRESS (Adopted at the fourth plenary session, held on June 7, 2011)San Salvador, El Salvador

8 88 Caribbean General Secretariat’s Tourism Projects and Activities

9 99 Caribbean – Portals Projects and Activities

10 10 Caribbean – Portals Projects and Activities

11 11 Caribbean Supporting our Small Caribbean Enterprises (SOURCE) Current Projects and Activities

12 12 Small Tourism Enterprises Network (STEN) The STEN project was designed as a unified network that integrates public, private and community sector strategies to provide strategic support to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism industry in the Caribbean. Caribbean Current Projects and Activities

13 13 Integral Tourism Strategies for Local Governments Course The Integral Tourism Strategies Course was developed in collaboration with the Department of State Modernization and Governability under the umbrella of the CAPACINET project. It comprises an introduction to Integral Tourism Development for municipalities and local governments and targets public servants who perform administration, management and planning duties within their institutions and want to promote community development, placing emphasis on tourism resources. Capacity Building and Training of Human Resources for Micro, Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises in Central America This project seeks to establish a sustainable mechanism to meet the training needs of human resources in the sector small tourism businesses through direct delivery of training programs that combine traditional and virtual methods. Current Projects and Activities Latin America

14 14 Technical Assistance to Small Hotels in Central America This project was developed to facilitate the delivery of training and technical assistance to small tourism enterprises in Central-America beginning with the small hotels. Technical Assistance to Small Hotels in the Andean Region The Small Tourism Enterprise Project (STEP) was launched in the Andean countries in South America in 2008 as the Technical Assistance to Small Hotels in the Andean Region initiative, and incorporates best practices learnt from tourism development and implementation of the STEP project in the Caribbean and Central America to destinations in South America. Current Projects and Activities

15 15 Current Projects and Activities Tourism Security Capacity Building Program Inter-American Committee against Terrorism Secretariat of Multidimensional Security Organization of American States (CICTE/SMS/OAS) Executed in collaboration with the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism, this project seeks to contribute to the prevention of crime in the tourism industry through training for security officers (particularly the tourism police and private sector security managers) and by promoting public/private partnership for the protection of tourism and recreational facilities.

16 16 Alliances INTERNAL Collaboration with Department of Sustainable Development of the OAS (OAS/DSD) The Office of Tourism has collaborated with the Department of Sustainable Development particularly, its Risk Management and Adaptation to Climate Change and Renewable Energy Sections. Collaboration with Department of State Modernization and Governability The office of Tourism has collaborated with the Department of State Modernization and Governability in the development of an online Integral Tourism Strategies Course. The course targets public servants who perform administration, management and planning duties within their institutions and want to promote community development, placing emphasis on tourism resources. Collaboration with Department of Human Development Education and Culture SCHOLARSHIPS PROGRAM The General Secretariat, through the Department of Human Development Education and Culture has a robust scholarships program supporting professional development in many aspects of tourism development. The Office of Tourism collaborates with this department in the selection of courses offered and screening of candidates.

17 17 EXTERNAL OAS/UNWTO Memorandum of Understanding The OAS in May 2011 signed a cooperation agreement with the United Nations World Tourism Organization to strengthen collaboration, the exchange of information, and collaborative work by the two organizations. OAS/GUATEMALA Memorandum of Understanding In 2010 the OAS signed Cooperation Agreement in Tourism with INGUAT(Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo). OAS-CTO-Government of Barbados Tripartite Agreement The General Secretariat in January 2009 renewed its cooperation agreement with the Caribbean Tourism Organization to cover the period 2009-2012. OAS-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes of Argentina Cooperation Agreement MOU with the US Department of the Interior Alliances

18 18 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION OF THE XVIII INTER- AMERICAN TRAVEL CONGRESS Matrix on Implementation of Resolutions and Recommendations of the XVIII Congress During the period 2004-2011, the General Secretariat took appropriate action in regard to the Declaration of Guatemala City and its Plan of Action. The General Secretariat through the Office of Tourism focused on activities for which it had direct responsibility and which could be undertaken within budgeted resources.

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27 27 Thank You Richard Campbell Chief, Office of Tourism Department of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Organization of American States Email:

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