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Miss Emily Barratt Mrs Jessica Hurst Mr MarkWellington.

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1 Miss Emily Barratt Mrs Jessica Hurst Mr MarkWellington

2 Routines Children need to be in the playground, by 8.45. When the whistle blows, they need to line up in the correct place. Anybody arriving after this time will need to sign in at the office then come up to the classroom. At the end of the day, please pick your child up from the line at 3.20pm. Please let us know if there are any other arrangements that we need to be aware of.

3 P.E. Children should bring in their PE kit on a Monday and leave it in school until Friday. PE kit should include: Black shorts, white t-shirt, plimsolls or trainers, a jumper, tracksuit bottoms. Long hair needs to be tied back and earrings should be removed or covered with tape. PE times (Autumn term) Mrs Hurst: Tuesday and Wednesday Miss Barratt and Mr Wellington: Wednesday and Thursday. If your child is unable to do PE, please send a note confirming this. Please make sure all kit is labelled.

4 Water bottles and snack Children in KS2 do not receive free fruit, so should be sent with an appropriate snack (fruit) or money for the fruit trolley (25p) for morning play. The classrooms can get very hot so please ensure you send your child with a water bottle which is clearly labelled with their name.

5 Homework Each Friday, children will be sent home with a piece of homework to complete. This will alternate between Maths and Literacy each week and should be returned to school by Wednesday. Once a term they will have a longer, topic based project to complete. In addition to this, children will receive spellings on a Monday to practise for a test the following Monday. These will be stuck into a spelling book for them to practise at home. This book should come back to school on a Monday so new spellings can be stuck in. Children will be split up for spellings so may not be taught by their usual teacher.

6 Reading All children will receive a reading record to keep a note of the book that they are reading. There is a comment section which should be filled out each time a child reads at home, either independently or with an adult. Children who are reading book band books should read with an adult every night. Those children who are reading early chapter books (stage 11-13) should read with an adult about 3 times a week. Children who are confident and read chapter books should still read with or discuss their reading with an adult a couple of times a week. During guided and independent reading sessions, children will be encouraged to carry out an activity in response to the book they have finished before they choose a new one. Children will be heard reading at least once a week, during guided reading sessions. If you feel able to help with reading, please speak to the class teacher.

7 Medicines Please make sure you have completed the medical information sheet at the office and added any new information. Any children with asthma, should have an inhaler in school that is in date and clearly labelled with their name. Please let your child’s teacher know when they should be using it. Any additional medicines e.g. antibiotics, need to be labelled and taken to the office.

8 Volunteers Throughout the year, we will need helpers for various such as trips or swimming (in the Spring term). If you are going to be helping on a regular basis, please contact the office to ensure you have filled out the relevant child protection paperwork. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you are able to help in any way.

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