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Civil War Battles and Strategies Miss Springborn~ Team 6.

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1 Civil War Battles and Strategies Miss Springborn~ Team 6

2 Strategies of each side… –The Union- Northern Goal was to PRESERVE THE UNION!!! Lincoln and the North wanted to keep the country together –The Confederacy- Southern Goal was to PRESERVE THEIR WAY OF LIFE AND ALLOW STATES MORE RIGHTS

3 Fort Sumter April 1861 The South fires upon the Northern controlled fort in Charleston, SC Union troops are forced to surrender Lincoln declares the South is in rebellion The South wins this fight


5 Battle of Bull Run July of 1861 Troops class at Bull Run in Virginia General Stonewall Jackson leads the Confederate Troops Union troops are trying to take the southern city of Richmond, VA This is a victory for the South

6 Battle of Antietam September 1862 Confederates tried to attack Union troops in Maryland Single bloodiest day in the war…The Union lost 12,000 troops in a day and the Confederates lost 13,000 McClellan, Union General, is taken off command by Lincoln after this This is a victory for the South


8 Battle of Shiloh April 1862 Confederates attack Union troops in Tennessee General Grant (Union) caught by surprise and forced to halt at Mississippi border Grant regroups and later wins control of the Mississippi River for the Union This is a great Union/Northern Victory

9 Battle of Vicksburg July of 1863 Grant blocked southern forces in an effort to capture the city Confederates are forced to admit defeat This is a Union/Northern Victory in the WEST

10 Battle of Gettysburg July 1863 General Robert E. Lee leads the confederates to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania Confederates hoped that a defeat in the North would crush the Unions momentum

11 Gettysburg…Continued Battle lasted 3 full days Famous Pickets charge was a strategic disaster for the South…left them useless Union successfully beat back the South This battle is a great victory for the North This is called the TURNING POINT of the Civil War

12 Sherman’s March to the Sea September 1864 Sept. Atlanta falls to the Union Union troops lead by General Sherman marched from Atlanta to Savannah Idea of Total War~ this means they destroyed EVERYTHING in their path Path of destruction was 250 miles long This is a great Union Victory


14 Appomattox Courthouse General Sherman’s troops cornered the Confederates in town of Appomattox in Virginia General Lee and the Confederates are forced to surrender to General Grant and the Union.

15 Important Documents of the Civil War… Emancipation Proclamation~ Proclamation approved by President Lincoln, that went into effect January 1, 1863 freeing all slaves. This was a strategy to help win support for the Union Army

16 Gettysburg Address~ President Lincoln’s speech to dedicate the Gettysburg battlefield. Starts out “Four Score and Seven Years ago…” Very short but help to rally the Union side to more victories.

17 Important Documents of the Civil War… Ten Percent Plan~ President Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction; once 10 present of voters in a former Confederate state took a U.S. loyalty oath, they could form a new state government and be readmitted to the Union…Friendly plan to help the transition after the war

18 Civil War Amendments 13 th ~ Abolishes Slavery in the United States 14 th ~Gives African-Americans citizenship rights 15 th ~ Give African American Men the right to vote…Government cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, or former slave status These are nicknamed the Civil War Amendments

19 The End… Be good for Mr. Garra and Mrs. Bierl while I am gone!!!

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