Photography Composition using the Elements and Principles of Art

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Presentation on theme: "Photography Composition using the Elements and Principles of Art"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photography Composition using the Elements and Principles of Art

2 Elements The basic building blocks
Line Shape Form Space Value Texture Color

3 Lines A mark made by a moving point. Has greater length than width.
Directs the eye – horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curvy, zig-zag, etc. Can be actual obvious lines or the borders or edges of shapes.

4 Lines


6 Shape/Form A contained area.
Can be GEOMETRIC (man-made) ex. Square, triangle, circle, etc. Can be ORGANIC (natural) ex. Leaves, humans, puddles, etc. Shapes are 2-Dimensional and flat. (circle) Forms are 3-Dimensional with height, width and depth. (sphere) Used to create a sense of space and substance.

7 Shape/Form

8 Shapes are all around if you look for them…

9 Can shape and form be in the same picture and both be equal
Can shape and form be in the same picture and both be equal? This is called conceptual art…you will be doing this project 

10 Space The area used or unused in a composition.
Positive space – the area the objects/subject takes up. Negative space – the area around, under, through and between. Gives the photo a 3-dimensional feeling. (Depth) Foreground (closest), Middle ground, and Background (farthest). Can be open, crowded, near, far, etc.

11 Space

12 Space can be positive or negative

13 Value Black and White and all the Grays in between Dark to Light
Can add drama and impact to composition. Can give a sense of timelessness Train your eye to read color as Black and White!

14 Value

15 Value does not always mean black and white……

16 Texture The surface quality.
How an object feels, or how it looks like it feels. Rough, smooth, bumpy, gooey, sharp, etc. Adds interest! Sense of sight and sense of touch involved.

17 Texture


19 Color Artistic term is HUE Need light to see color.
Primary, Secondary, Intermediates. Use color schemes to enhance appeal or make impact.

20 Color

21 Principles The different arrangements – or compositions - of the ELEMENTS of design to create artistic, interesting, more visually powerful photographs. Principles

22 What are the Principles of Art?
Emphasis Balance Unity Contrast Movement/ Rhythm Pattern/Repetition Scale/Proportion

23 Pattern/Repetition An element that occurs over and over again in a composition. Can repeat the element in a consistent pattern. Can repeat the element in a variation of the pattern.

24 Pattern/Repetition Examples

25 EMPHASIS or Focal Point
Emphasis in a composition refers to developing points of interest to pull the viewer's eye to important parts of the body of the work.


27 EMPHASIS: Photographers may decide to stress a certain element of the composition by creating a focal point. This way the viewer will focus on the area of emphasis first and then take in the rest of the composition.

28 Types include: Symmetrical, Asymmetrical or Radial
Balance Balance is a sense of stability in the body of work. Balance can be created by repeating same shapes and by creating a feeling of equal weight. Types include: Symmetrical, Asymmetrical or Radial

29 Symmetrical Balance Examples

30 Asymmetrical balance:  
is usually much more interesting than symmetrical balance. In asymmetrical balance, instead of mirror images on each side of the picture area, the subject elements are notably different in size, shape, weight, tone, and placement. Balance is established by equalizing the element forces in spite of their differences.

31 Radial Symmetry

32 Unity Unity is seen in a painting or drawing when all the parts equal a whole.

33 Unity is taking the parts of a piece of art and unifying them in to something better as a whole.
Composition is a great way to do this. This image could be separated in to each part as its own piece, but together they become a unified composition.

34 Unity can be created by: Simplicity (only having a limited type of lines, shapes, colors, etc. instead of lots of variety) Repetition (repeating similar elements) Proximity (placing similar elements together)

35 CONTRAST Contrast refers to the opposites and differences in the work. You can achieve variety by using different shapes, textures, colors and values in your work.  

36 CONTRAST Examples

37 Movement Movement  adds excitement to your work by showing action and directing the viewers eye throughout the picture plane. Rhythm is a type of movement in drawing and painting. It is seen in repeating of shapes and colors. Alternating lights and darks also give a sense of rhythm. 

38 Movement it does not always mean something in physical motion….
It could just be a line that your eye follows…making your eye move across the photo

39 Movement

40 You’ve seen this picture as an example of line…
You’ve seen this picture as an example of line….but a bunch of lines can create….

41 Scale and Proportion Proportion refers to the relationship of parts of a body to one another and to the body as a whole, whereas scale is the relationship of parts of an image to the image as a whole.

42 Scale and Proportion

43 This artist created a unique way to show proportion
This artist created a unique way to show proportion. The scale between the eggs and the kitchen are completely fictional. This was a interesting piece that shows proportion. He took two very ordinary things and changed the scale to create a new and unique composition.

44 Elements and Principles in Photographic Composition
The Elements and Principles are used in making photographs – not just taking photographs. You have to know and understand the elements and principles of art to see them all around you and capture them in your photos. Good luck!

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