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1933  January: The Nazi Party takes control of Germany while Hitler becomes chancellor  February: Civil liberties for all citizens were “temporarily.

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2 1933  January: The Nazi Party takes control of Germany while Hitler becomes chancellor  February: Civil liberties for all citizens were “temporarily restricted”  March: A concentration camp was established in Dachau  May: All Nazi Party beliefs are publicity burned, trade unions also close.

3 1935  September: Nuremburg laws are passed Nuremburg laws- definition of a Jewish person, made sure Jews did not escape like many did. All citizenship was taken away from Jews. Other types of people were defined “inferior” and were treated as the Jews were Romanies (Gypsies),Jehovah’s Whitnesses & Homosexuals Many were sent to concentration camps

4 1938  July: The Evian Conference occurred  The Evian Conference- 32 countries gathered together to discuss how many Jews were fleeing Germany because of Hitler  November: Kristallnacht “The Night of Broken Glass”  Kristallnacht- Jews were arrested, killed, and shops and businesses were robbed  December: Nazis took over all Jewish owned businesses

5 1939  September: World War II begins, Germany invades Poland  October: Euthanasia program was ordered by Hitler, which lead to the systematic murder of the disabled in Germany and Austria

6 1940  February: German Jews were being deported to Poland  December: First mass murder of Jews by the Nazis in Treblinka

7 1941  June: Mobile killing units were the start the systematic slaughter of Jews  September: 33,771 Ukrainian Jews were killed at Babi Yar ( largest massacre of the Holocaust)  December: A death camp at Chelmno opens

8 1942  January: Wannsee Conference took place  Wannsee Conference- Nazis organized and planned the “Final Solution”  Final Solution- plan to kill all European Jews  Gas chambers were added to six death camps to begin the killing of Jews in Poland *Thousands of Jews were killed each day

9 1945  May: U.S. and Allied forces overtake the Nazis, the remaining Jews in the concentration camps were released

10 Works Cited 

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