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Aviva Berkowitz Alex Scott James Statts Matt Lark

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Presentation on theme: "Aviva Berkowitz Alex Scott James Statts Matt Lark"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aviva Berkowitz Alex Scott James Statts Matt Lark
Holocaust Aviva Berkowitz Alex Scott James Statts Matt Lark

2 Key Points Timeline of events Victims U.S. Perspective
Controversy: What should U.S. have done?

3 Holocaust: 1933 Nazi’s take over Germany Hitler is chancellor
First concentration camp Kids banned from school Some Jews prohibited from working Trade unions close Nazi burn books b/c they disagree with ideas

4 Holocaust: 1934 Holocaust: 1935 Holocaust: 1936
Hitler has full control of Germany Holocaust: 1935 Jewish basic rights are gone Nazi’s get stricter about who are “racially inferior” Holocaust: 1936 Nazis target Jewish businesses Olympic games- execution is put on ‘hold’

5 Holocaust: 1938 German troops annex Austria
Kristallnacht- “Night of broken glass”, synagogues burned Jewish kids expelled from school in Germany and Austria Nazis take full control of Jewish businesses

6 Holocaust: 1939 Germany takes over Czech and invades Poland
WWII begins (France and Britain invade Germany) Mentally and physically disabled murdered Jews are required to wear armbands w/ yellow stars

7 Holocaust: 1940 Holocaust: 1941 Jews are forced into ghettos
Nazis mass murder Jews in Poland Germany conquers western Europe Holocaust: 1941 Germany attacks Soviet Union Death Camps in Poland are created (Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, Belzec, Auschwitz-Birkenau) Nazis “Final Solution”- kill all Jews in Europe

8 Holocaust: 1942 Holocaust: 1943 Holocaust: 1944
US, Britain, and Soviet Union are aware of Germany 20-25% Jews in Concentration Camps died Holocaust: 1943 80-85% Jews in Concentration Camps died Holocaust: 1944 Hitler takes over Hungary Deports Jews to Auschwitz

9 Holocaust: 1945 Holocaust: 1946 Holocaust: 1947
Hitler defeated in WWII Holocaust is over Death Camps emptied- survivors go to “Displaced Person Camps” Holocaust: 1946 Nazi leaders are tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity Holocaust: 1947 UN establishes a Jewish homeland which becomes the State of Israel in 1948


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