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Chapter 1 Section 2 Atmospheric Heating. Radiation The sun’s energy comes to us as radiation Radiation is the transfer of energy in waves This energy.

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1 Chapter 1 Section 2 Atmospheric Heating

2 Radiation The sun’s energy comes to us as radiation Radiation is the transfer of energy in waves This energy drives the Earth’s weather and makes Earth habitable

3 Thermal Conduction The transfer of energy as heat through a material Heat always transfers from warm areas to cold areas The warmth of the Earth’s surface warms the lowest levels of the atmosphere

4 Convection The transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a liquid or gas Warm air rises and cooler air sinks to replace the rising air The process continually repeats and a circular pattern in the atmosphere forms This pattern is called a convection current

5 Greenhouse Effect The process where the Earth’s atmosphere holds in just enough heat to keep the planet warm Energy is allowed to enter and exit the atmosphere in balance

6 Global Warming Theory that pollution is making the atmosphere thicker Heat can no longer escape the atmosphere and the planet is becoming warmer A warmer Earth leads to negative effects on planet

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