8 th Grade. Course Descriptions Advanced Core Classes Blue sheet of paper Meant to be challenging, more difficult and faster paced Qualifications 70%

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1 8 th Grade

2 Course Descriptions Advanced Core Classes Blue sheet of paper Meant to be challenging, more difficult and faster paced Qualifications 70% or higher on a placement test (math only) 85% or higher yearly average in the previous year’s class TAKS Score in the subject of 85% or higher Math considered for Math & Science Reading considered for English & Social Studies Teacher recommendation (considering attendance, homework completion, participation and student work/study habits) Must meet 3 of the 4 or 2 of the 3 requirements

3 Course Descriptions Algebra 1 only if you have taken advanced math in 7 th grade You do not have to take Algebra 1 in 8 th grade to graduate with a Distinguished Diploma or get accepted into college Most advanced courses will have a summer project Summer reading for Reading & Language Arts Research Project for Science

4 Course Descriptions Athletics REQUIRED PARTICIPATION Before school for boys and after school for girls – no bus transportation Must have a physical to participate Girls –volleyball, basketball, track Boys – football, basketball, track

5 Course Descriptions Agriculture Science 101/102 PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURE High School’s introductory agriculture class that must be taken before any other agriculture electives Art Band Communications Must present in front of the class REQUIRED PARTICIPATION

6 Registration Form Please complete NEATLY!! Make your decisions now – very few changes in the fall. Signatures on the bottom Due back to Mrs. Leslie by April 9 – Monday! Even if you think you will not be here next year, please complete registration. We will be putting these requests into the computer – it is important that you get the forms in on time! Circle one choice for each core class List your electives in the order of your preference If you MUST have Band, Athletics, Art, etc…put it #1

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