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 The exact spot where something is on the earth. Usually expressed in longitude and latitude.

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2  The exact spot where something is on the earth. Usually expressed in longitude and latitude.

3  The directions between the cardinal directions. They are: Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest

4  The line of longitude at 0*

5  Northern line of latitude at 23*26’ representing the farthest North where the Sun is closest to the Earth.

6  Southern line of latitude at 23*26’ representing the farthest South where the Sun is closest to the Earth.

7  Lines running east- west around the earth that measure a places distance from the equator.

8  The four directions used to express where something on earth is in relation to something else. They are: North, East, South, West

9  The ratio of a single unit of distance on the map to the equal distance on ground.

10  The decomposition of earth’s rocks, soils, and minerals through contact with other elements.

11  A large landmass on Earth. There are seven: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.

12  Visual representations of an area.

13  Any method of representing the surface of a 3D objection in 2D. Types include Mercator, Robinson, Conic, and Great Circle.

14  The differences in elevation and slope between the higher and lower parts of the land

15  The line of latitude at 0*

16  Lines running north- south around the earth that measure a places distance from the prime-meridian.

17  Any half of the earth. Could be: North, South, East, or West

18  A places location on earth relative to another. For example: 5 miles past the McDonald’s.

19  Northern most point on the earth’s surface. Located at 90*N. From here, any direction would be south.

20  Southern most point on the earth’s surface. Located at 90*S. From here, any direction would be north.

21  The dozen or so plates that make up the surface of the Earth.

22  The study of the earth’s surface, including climate, elevation, soil, vegetation, population, land use, and more

23  The movement of the Earth’s continents relative to each other.

24  A 3-D scale representation of the earth.

25  The study and practice of making representations of the Earth on a flat surface.

26  A type of map characterized by large-scale detailed representation of relief of the earth

27  Network of horizontal and perpendicular lines, uniformly spaced, for locating points on a map or chart.

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