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Daniela Botero & Ana Maria Reyes. Teenage Pregnancy in Cali, Colombia - Recent results of investigation, shows that of 1000 pregnancies, 73.1 occur among.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniela Botero & Ana Maria Reyes. Teenage Pregnancy in Cali, Colombia - Recent results of investigation, shows that of 1000 pregnancies, 73.1 occur among."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniela Botero & Ana Maria Reyes

2 Teenage Pregnancy in Cali, Colombia - Recent results of investigation, shows that of 1000 pregnancies, 73.1 occur among adolescents from 15 to 19 years old. - 30% of the teenage pregnancy occurs among the displaced education. - The cause for so much pregnancies is the early start of sexual activity in girls.

3 Why does this happen? Early sexual maturation Constant exposure to erotic stimuli. Misconception about sexuality. Lack of communication between parents and child about sexual issues.

4 Rates of pregnancy in social classes Poor 31.5% Rich 10.7% Poor/Married 50.7% Rich/Married 9.6% Poverty and adolescent pregnancy is related. Teenage pregnancy also perpetuates poverty, the population grow and there isn't money to afford it.

5 Kennedy High Schools Rates, Bogota 38 schools surveyed girls between 11 and 17 years old. - Seventh grade  15 - Eighth grade  13 - Ninth grade  50 - Tenth grade  57 - Elventh grade  61

6 Statistics in Cali In Cali one out of four pregnant women are below 19 years old. 80% of pregnancies are caused because of the non use of contraceptives. 24% of pregnant girls are teenagers. 80% of pregnancies are no planified. 70% have sex while having an unstable couple.

7 Diferent Gender Statistics Boys start to have a sexual life to 13.4 years. Girls start to have a sexual life to 14.8 years. Girls have their first child aroun 16 years.

8 Where does this happen? Rural Zones Commune 13 Commune 14 Commune 15 Commune 20 Commune 21

9 Births Conditions Married couples  3.6% Stable relationship but not married  26.9% Free union  2.8% Widowed/Divorced  0.9% Most of teenage pregnancies occure among single girls and short and unstable relationship.

10 How can we stop this? Having more family counseling and education projects for sexuality in educational institutions. Parents supervision. Free access and easy access to different contraceptives. Having a better communication between parents and their child about sex, that way they can planify.


12 The Law The age of consent in Colombia is 14. Its wroten under section 20813 of the constitution. In Costa Rica having sex under 15 is considered crime, and under 12 its considered violation. In Spain and Argentina the age of consent is 13. In Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Ecuador and Chile the age of consent is 14.

13 Colombian Law Having Intercourse (anal, oral or vaginal sex) below 14 years is considered a crime. Its penalised being in prison for 12 to 20 years. Having sexual acts, but not intercourse below 14 years is considered crime, its penalised with 3 to 5 years in prison.

14 STD Infectious disease It spread through intimate contact It is spread by: Sexual activity at young age Many sex partners Unprotected sex

15 HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus Is a virus It cant reporduce by its own, they need to infect cells of a living organism HIV atacks the human immune system itself

16 How is HIV passed on Unprotected sex with an infected person Contact with an infected person blood Use of infected products Injecting drugs From the mother to its child


18 Chlamydia It is caused by a bacteria Its mostly in teenagers Its transmited because: Unprotected sex A woman with chlamydia can pass it too her offspring Having sex

19 Sifilis It is a bacterial infection is not very common

20 Bibliography ml ml ades-de-transmision-sexualets/ ades-de-transmision-sexualets/ 09/02/enfermedades-de-transmision-sexual-o.html 09/02/enfermedades-de-transmision-sexual-o.html

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