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The Consequences of Sex: HIV 7 th Grade.  Human Immunodeficiency Virus  Virus that causes AIDS  HIV passes from person to person contact through blood.

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Presentation on theme: "The Consequences of Sex: HIV 7 th Grade.  Human Immunodeficiency Virus  Virus that causes AIDS  HIV passes from person to person contact through blood."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Consequences of Sex: HIV 7 th Grade

2  Human Immunodeficiency Virus  Virus that causes AIDS  HIV passes from person to person contact through blood & sexual contact

3  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome  Caused by HIV  Takes about 10 years to develop AIDS after infection with HIV  Person is diagnosed with AIDS when white blood cells from the immune system drop below a certain level or when certain diseases that are common in AIDS develop

4  Unprotected oral, anal or vaginal sex with an infected person  Sharing needles with an infected person  From HIV infected mother to baby (pregnancy or breast feeding)

5  Blood  Semen  Vaginal secretions  Breast milk

6  Touching  Massaging  Sharing eating utensils  Contact with toilet seats  Doorknobs  Sharing drinking cups  Mosquitoes

7  Anal Sex  Oral Sex  Vaginal Intercourse

8  Practicing abstinence  Never sharing needles of any kind

9  HIV is the virus which infects the body & breaks down the immune system  AIDS is the disease that results from the damage to the immune system  With AIDS, the body is unable to fight off infections, which leads to many rare, life- threatening diseases.

10  Collection of white blood cells and chemicals that act as the body’s defense against disease agents & other things that can make people sick

11  Made by the immune system & formed in the blood in response to foreign things in the body (viruses, bacteria or toxins)  Usually defend against illness & infections, but HIV prevents them from doing their job

12  A blood test used to presence of antibodies to HIV  If antibodies are present then person is HIV+

13  HIV attacks the immune system  Damages the cells that defend against infection, so that the immune system cannon function properly  Multiples & infects organs in the body

14  High Risk/Red Light Behaviors – UNSAFE & involve the transmission of blood, semen, vaginal secretions & can transmit HIV  Low Risk/Yellow Light Behaviors – MIGHT create some danger of transmitting HIV, but transmission is less likely  No Risky/Green Light Behaviors – NO risk of transmitting HIV

15  Vaginal Sex  Oral sex on a guy  Anal sex  Sharing needles & syringes  Having sex with multiple partners  Having sex with a person who shoots IV drugs  Having sex with a person who is having sex with multiple partners

16  Wet or tongue kissing  Doing IV drugs & not sharing needles & syringes

17  Dry kissing  Giving or receiving a shoulder or back massage from someone who has AIDS  Going on a date, to the movies or a dance with a person who is HIV positive  Eating with the same utensils or drinking from the same glass as someone who has AIDS  Touching or caressing someone who is HIV positive  Abstinence  Talking about how you feel & making plans for the future  Having sex with only one person (being monogamous)

18  When I read a statement, stand under either the agree or disagree sign.  You may not stand in the middle of the signs.  Be honest to your thoughts & opinions.

19  Guys who don’t or have never had sex are “wimpy” or gay.  The more you like & respect yourself, the easier it is to abstain from sex.  If my boyfriend or girlfriend won’t respect my decision to not have sex, I will find someone who will respect my decision.  People who are virgins are unattractive and boring.  It is the man’s responsibility to set sexual limits.  There are other pleasurable sexual behaviors people can engage in besides sexual intercourse.  It is harder for a teenage boy to say no to sex than it is for a teenage girl.  Teenagers who choose not to have sex are proud & responsible and have goals & plans for their future.

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