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Literary Elements Major Test in class on 9/12/12

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1 Literary Elements Major Test in class on 9/12/12

2 Study Resources Literary Terms List (given in class 1st week)
Prentice Hall Literature Textbook (students checked out copies 1st week) pages 4-7 Glossary of Literary Terms in back (pages R21-30) Workbook pages students removed and should have in English binder

3 Fiction narrative prose about characters and events from the author’s imagination basic elements setting plot Characters Dialogue point of view theme

4 Setting time and place a story takes place Setting can also
establish social, cultural, or economic standards that affect characters add complications to the plot contribute to the mood of the story

5 Plot sequence of events in the story
Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution

6 Conflict A struggle between opposing forces This is the problem that sets off the sequence of actions I which rise to the Climax – the point of greatest intensity.

7 Internal and External Conflict
Internal Conflict is a struggle within the mind of one character External Conflict is between two characters, between a person and a group, or between a character and nature or fate Conflicts are stated as Man vs. _______

8 Characterization Writers use different methods of revealing a character’s personality to the reader
Direct Characterization – writers make direct statements about a character’s appearance, personality, goals, habits, or beliefs Indirect Characterization – Readers draw conclusions based on the character’s words, thoughts, actions, and interactions with others.

9 Point of View 1st Person – told by narrator who is participating in the action 3rd person – a voice outside the of the story narrates Omniscient – “all knowing” - can tell readers what each character is thinking / feeling Limited – sees the world through one character’s eyes and reveals only that character’s thoughts

10 Theme and Universal Theme
underlying meaning or insight that an author conveys in a story Can be stated directly or implied A Universal Theme is a message about life that can be understood by most cultures. Examples: the important of honesty the danger of greed

11 Types of Fiction Short stories - brief narratives, with carefully limited action that allows the writer to focus on one main plot complication Novels - extended works of fiction that are usually organized into segments called chapters can include subplots in addition to the main story line and may explore a number of characters in depth Novellas - intermediate works of fiction that are longer than short stories but are concise and focused than novels.

12 Nonfiction…

13 Elements of Nonfiction
Tone - expresses an author’s attitude toward the subject and the reader. It is conveyed through choice of words and details Perspective - the author’s point of view on the subject, including the opinions that the author expresses and the source of the author’s information—whether general research, for example , or personal experience Purpose - author’s reason for writing. It may be to persuade, to inform, to entertain, or to describe

14 Nonfiction Types of Nonfiction include Literary Nonfictions Informational Texts

15 Literary Nonfiction Literary Nonfiction – personal examples and ideas with factual information. Examples are Personal Essays and Biographies

16 Informational Texts Expository - present facts to increase the knowledge and understanding of an audience Examples are summaries and articles Persuasive - written to influence the opinions or actions of an audience. Examples are speeches, debates, and advertisements Procedural - explains a process. These texts often include visuals to help illustrate steps. Examples are instructions, recipes, and manuals

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