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FAME & the Priority Services Outcomes Fame Launch - October 2004 Chris Haynes Local e-Government Team Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Chris Haynes.

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Presentation on theme: "FAME & the Priority Services Outcomes Fame Launch - October 2004 Chris Haynes Local e-Government Team Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Chris Haynes."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAME & the Priority Services Outcomes Fame Launch - October 2004 Chris Haynes Local e-Government Team Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Chris Haynes Local e-Government Team Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

2 ODPM Update The Battleground “ Realising the benefits from our investment in e- government” projects don't just end with a 'technical' delivery and closure report do not want to you deliver a 'successful' project, only to find out later that the product or service was never used or implemented driving benefits out of a project involves working closely with the customer to ensure the product or service gets firmly adopted and embedded in the organisation

3 Key Points - National Projects FAME National Projects Beginning to End Priority Outcomes / NP Links Partnership Role Codename LGOne Sustainability/Productisation Demand Surge Ownership LA Consciousness Organisation FAME into All

4 IEG’s FAME Link to Priority Outcomes Future Perspective New Agendas (Efficiency) Confirmed for 2005, 2006Investment (last?) FAME Linked Joined Up Gov Engine FAME Starting Point

5 Partnerships FAME Number peaked (100+) Regional Partnerships New Networks (eGov PM and Cust Serv) Funding…. New Agendas FAME Market Focus Ownership/Customer Efficiency Money….

6 5 eGovernment Roles - Competencies Longer Term Perspective Professionalising JUG Standards ISU/SSU Support & Capacity FAME e-Champions e-Government Programme management Customer Services management Head of IT Heads of Service Support & Development Embed FAME Core Skills/Tools Government Connect Standards Engine….

7 Innovations FAME Innovation Objectives Innovation Infrastructure Innovation Culture Projects in Round 2 Round One Projects FAME - Bolt-Ons Get Thinking Match ? Innovation Framework Key Piece

8 Priority Outcomes FAME Opportunity Funding Growing Clarity Joined Up Service Outcome CSF for localegov Linkage FAME Buyers Options Embedding (beyond Tech.) FAME Blueprint Priority Services:  Schools  Community information  Democratic renewal  Local environment  e-Procurement  Payments  Libraries, sports & leisure  Transport  Benefits  Support for vulnerable people Priority Services:  Schools  Community information  Democratic renewal  Local environment  e-Procurement  Payments  Libraries, sports & leisure  Transport  Benefits  Support for vulnerable people Transformation:  Supporting new ways of working  Accessibility of services  High take up of web- based transactional services  Making it easy for citizens to do business with the council Transformation:  Supporting new ways of working  Accessibility of services  High take up of web- based transactional services  Making it easy for citizens to do business with the council

9 The Challenge for Fame  Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda  The FAME ‘fundamentalist’  Influencing/Directing the agenda  Working Together for Better Joins  Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda  The FAME ‘fundamentalist’  Influencing/Directing the agenda  Working Together for Better Joins

10  Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda  The FAME ‘fundamentalist’  Positioning Fame at the heart of Joined Up Working  Re-organising around FAME (Breakdown trad. silos)  Go beyond process (infrastructure /organisation)  Influencing/Directing the agenda  Working Together for Better Joins  Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda  The FAME ‘fundamentalist’  Positioning Fame at the heart of Joined Up Working  Re-organising around FAME (Breakdown trad. silos)  Go beyond process (infrastructure /organisation)  Influencing/Directing the agenda  Working Together for Better Joins The Challenge for Fame

11  Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda  The FAME ‘fundamentalist’  Influencing/Directing the agenda (target influence)  Local (Service Joins)  Regional (Org Joins)  National (National Hubs)  Working Together for Better Joins  Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda  The FAME ‘fundamentalist’  Influencing/Directing the agenda (target influence)  Local (Service Joins)  Regional (Org Joins)  National (National Hubs)  Working Together for Better Joins The Challenge for Fame

12  Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda  The eGov ‘fundamentalist’  Influencing/Directing the agenda  Working Together for Organisations  infrastructure for joining up  shared services/working  steer agendas Gershon, Procurement, DirectGov  Sustaining the ‘real’ agenda  The eGov ‘fundamentalist’  Influencing/Directing the agenda  Working Together for Organisations  infrastructure for joining up  shared services/working  steer agendas Gershon, Procurement, DirectGov The Challenge for Fame

13 Government Connect A Big Opportunity Gateway Government Connect Core Extended LGOL-Net FAME ???

14 The FAME Challenge Maximise the Policy/Funding Opportunities Ensure Standards & Ownership Embed Consciousness Sustain Joined Up eGovernment React to Agendas But beware the Brown Nosed Gershon Fish !

15 Personal Reflections  Belief in FAME  Belief in eGovernment  It is a critical time (time to deliver)  Developing ‘Public Service’ Style !  Invest in FAME ‘Don’t become a hermit’

16 Further Information  Chris Haynes -    Chris Haynes -  

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