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Introduction Visibility has always been an indicator of success. With the ever increasing dependence on online presence to establish visibility, it is.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Visibility has always been an indicator of success. With the ever increasing dependence on online presence to establish visibility, it is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Visibility has always been an indicator of success. With the ever increasing dependence on online presence to establish visibility, it is no wonder many companies create marketing campaigns specifically for the Internet, as they would for traditional media channels like television and radio. However, developing, running, and maintaining these campaigns may not be cost feasible for some companies. Other companies may have strength and pull in their respective industries, and to stay competitive, may prefer to solely focus on their business goals rather than “optimize” the online presence of their products or services. Whichever reason that may be, the SEO industry has been the answer. The only decision left to make then is which SEO company to partner with? eWise

2 Why Choose eWise eWise Focused on your ROI: we strongly believe many SEO companies have “franchised” and structured their services for their ROI, but our services allow flexibility, control, and customization to maximize your ROI. Focused on your industry: we know there are common marketing methodologies, and those that are industry specific, so rather than follow SEO “recipes”, we will immerse ourselves into your industry, assess it, and then implement more effective practices

3 Why Choose eWise eWise Community oriented: we are local and we strive to help businesses of any size to grow, because when they grow, we grow, and when we all grow, this attracts more business into our community. That is the Silicon Valley spirit. Transparent: we provide biweekly reports on services rendered to you, so this way project results can be monitored and tracked.

4 Why Choose eWise Accountability: we pride ourselves on performance for you, so contract terms can be as short as 6 months for you to evaluate our results and decide whether or not to renew and continue with us. Partnership: we care as much about client relationships as the bottom dollar. eWise

5 Services eWise will Provide Keyword analysis: we will assess your web pages that you wish to be optimized, compile keywords based on product or service relevance, and rate these keywords based on search volume trends with respect to category, geography, and time. Our eWise contract pricing specifies up to 20 keywords. If keywords need to be exchanged for any reason during the contract term, an addendum can be appended to the contract at any time, to specify changes and duration of those changes to maintain the keyword cap amount. If keywords need to be added for any reason, a separate contract would be required. eWise

6 Services Content optimization: we will optimize your web pages so that they are highly visible on popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Our target goal is obviously the top search engine results page, but we do wish to advise you that organic results typically only start to be visible between 3 to 6 months. Once visible, we will assess SERP position and further optimize until target goal is met. Web pages can be anything: company home pages, product/service landing pages, or blog landing pages. Our eWise contract pricing imposes only the limitation of up to 5 web pages. This number is based on the amount of web pages on a typical standard sized website. And just like keywords, web pages would also have to be specified on the contract. If web pages need to be exchanged for any reason during the contract term, an addendum can be appended to the contract at any time, to specify changes and duration of those changes to maintain the web page cap amount. If web pages need to be added for any reason, a separate contract would be required. eWise

7 Services eWise Mobile optimization: we will also optimize your specified web pages so that they are highly visible on popular mobile search engines, which can be considered more streamlined versions of traditional search engines. Mobile search engines differ in that they employ different bots and algorithms. They evaluate and rank your web pages based on how those pages render on the type of mobile phone that submitted the search query. Social media advertising: we will also optimize your specified web pages so that they’re highly integrated, not just linked, and take advantage of popular social media like Facebook, Yelp, and Twitter, and their power of word-of-mouth advertising.

8 Services Video production: we will aid your company in increasing conversions by also including a complimentary video commercial. Why a video commercial? Video has long been the trend, and has the potential to attract, inform, and most importantly, convert your target market. We have industry professionals and equipment to produce your video commercial, product review, or editorial. The only limitation is your creativity. eWise

9 Services eWise Pay per click advertising: we will place your promotions so they are visible to any market of your choice on Google AdWords. The only limitation is what you specify as your budget for your chosen markets and specified keywords. Depending on search volume trends with respect to category, geography, and time from specified keywords, anticipated budget may vary greatly, and we will assist you in determining an estimate. If you are considering PPC but not sure of its results, we will setup your PPC account and test markets based on certain keywords from those specified on the contract. There is no need for you to set aside additional budget for this unless you choose to for better results. This is complimentary until organic results start to be visible between 3 to 6 months.

10 Services Referral program: we will deduct 10% off monthly from your eWise contract pricing for each referral that contract with us for the lifetime of their contract. eWise

11 It’s About Results Yes, it’s about results, and our short contract terms will not only allow you to see the results we give you in a timely manner, but also trust in our abilities to do even more for your business. It is the same trust in us that prompted IT Chair, one of the top SEO companies in the Los Angeles metropolitan, to partner with us and help ensure our compliance with their business practices and high quality standards to businesses in the Silicon Valley. So, we look forward to building a relationship with you, and if you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact Tim Hickey at (408)476-2327 or Gary Bassi, at (408) 832-4680. eWise

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