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MODULE:3 FIRE CONFINMENT AND EXTINGUISHMENT. OBJECTIVES Module 3 Overview Select and deploy the appropriate hose lines to accomplish fire confinement.

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Presentation on theme: "MODULE:3 FIRE CONFINMENT AND EXTINGUISHMENT. OBJECTIVES Module 3 Overview Select and deploy the appropriate hose lines to accomplish fire confinement."— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVES Module 3 Overview Select and deploy the appropriate hose lines to accomplish fire confinement and extinguishment Definition/Principles Identify and explain the actions required to support fire confinement and extinguishment activities. Fire Confinement Tactics Fire Extinguishment Tactics Coordination of Operations

3 OBJECTIVES Module 3 Overview Explain the correct procedures and select the appropriate size hoselines for attaching to a fire department connection Supporting and Using Fixed Fire Protection Equipment Describe the procedures for deployment of a hoseline from a standpipe system Standpipe Procedures


5 Fire Confinement Those actions taken to confine a fire to a given area of present involvement by preventing the spread of fire into any uninvolved area.

6 Fire Extinguishment Those actions taken following fire confinement to extinguish a fire by removing the fuel, air supply, or, most commonly, the heat.

7 Principles Keep fire from extending into unburned area When fire confinement has been accomplished, fire extinguishment is the next tactical operation


9 Confinement for Specific Purpose Search or rescue Awaiting additional resources Save portion of structure Prevent fire extension

10 Sizeup for Confinement Location and extent of fire Building construction classification and occupancy Fire flow requirements Lead time required Fixed suppression equipment Personnel available Coordination required

11 Selection of Hoseline and Nozzle for Fire Confinement Size of hoseline Length of hoseline Type and size of nozzle

12 Positioning of Hoseline to Support Fire Confinement Support search and/or rescue Confine fire to prevent further destruction Coordinate with ventilation

13 Fire Confinement Tactical Action Plan Hoseline(s) and nozzle(s) Hoseline placement(s) Support required Personnel and equipment required Coordination required Safety concerns Task assignment(s)

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26 Fire Extinguishment--Purpose To bring burning materials below their ignition temperature to stop flame production

27 Sizeup for Extinguishment Location and extent of fire Risk vs benefit Access and egress Classification of building construction and occupancy

28 Nozzle Selection Flow must exceed heat being produced If unsure, select largest flow Select appropriate nozzle pattern

29 Hoseline Selection Size of hoseline to match nozzle Long enough to reach seat of fire plus 50 feet

30 Positioning of Hoseline Areas of access and egress Attack from unburned side Select position for backup line and communicate to crew

31 Coordinate with Officer Tactical Assignments Ventilation Entry Laddering Lighting

32 Safety Has Safety Officer been designated? Risk vs benefit Accountability system Has IC been informed of location of extinguishment team?

33 Fire Extinguishment Tactical Action Plan Hoseline(s) and nozzle(s) Hoseline placements(s) Required support Required personnel and equipment Required coordination Safety concerns Task assignment(s)

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46 Automatic Sprinkler System of piping, valves, and water discharge heads Highly effective in confining or extinguishing fires

47 Standpipe System System of piping and valves to provide water supply at fire floor Provide 2-1/2” connection with 500 gpm at 65 psi

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49 Preincident Planning Normal water supply for system Fire pump Control valves Fire department connection

50 Connecting to a Fire Department Connection One of first alarm companies must connect to system Check for debris in connections Connection may have only one water supply intake

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53 Connecting Attack Line to Standpipe Connection Standpipe kit Stretch hose up stairs past fire floor Use Wye for smaller attack lines Look for fire pump activation (pressure surge) Coordinate pressure with pump operator

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55 Coordinate with Other Tactical Assignments Other hoselines Water supply Ventilation Laddering Air supply Other support functions

56 Safety Considerations Can risks be managed? Coordination Keep IC informed Be aware of time and structural conditions You are the safety officer for your crew

57 Supporting and Using Fixed Fire Protection Tactical Action Plan Supply line size Required personnel and equipment Connect to system at right pressure Connect standpipe hose Required support Required coordination Safety concerns Task assignments(s)

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75 Summary Fire confinement Fire extinguishment Fixed fire protection equipment Coordination

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