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3-1 NFIRS 3 Structure Fire Module. 3-2 ObjectivesObjectives The participants will be able to: –describe when the Structure Fire Module is to be used.

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Presentation on theme: "3-1 NFIRS 3 Structure Fire Module. 3-2 ObjectivesObjectives The participants will be able to: –describe when the Structure Fire Module is to be used."— Presentation transcript:

1 3-1 NFIRS 3 Structure Fire Module

2 3-2 ObjectivesObjectives The participants will be able to: –describe when the Structure Fire Module is to be used. –demonstrate the completion of various sections of the Structure Fire Module for different scenarios.

3 3-3 Structure Fire Module Used to supplement Fire Module Required for all Incident types: – 111 - 112 – 120 - 129 Maybe used for Incident types 113-118

4 3-4 I 1 - Structure Type  Identifies a specific property type of a structure. Continue only if building was : 1. Enclosed 2. Portable/mobile structure being used as a fixed structure 1 2 I 1 Structure Type Enclosed building Portable/mobile structure Open structure Air supported structure Tent Open platform (e.g. piers) Underground structure (work areas) Connective structure ( e.g. fences ) Other type of structure If fire was in an enclosed building or a portable/mobile structure complete the rest of this form 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0

5 3-5 I 2 - Building Status  Identifies the operational status of the building at the time of the incident. Occupied & Operating is now – In Normal Use. 1 2

6 3-6 I 3 - Building Height  Identifies the total number of stories (floors) at or above grade level and the total number of stories below grade in the fire building. Do not count normally inaccessible attics, attics with less than standing height, or a roof as a story. 1 2

7 3-7 I 4 - Main Floor Size  Identifies the floor size - can use: –total square feet –length x width 1 2 OR BY Main Floor Size I 4 NFIRS-3 Structure Fire,, Total square feet Width in feet, Length in feet,

8 3-8 J 1 - Fire Origin  Identifies the story (floor level) where the fire originated within the building. Identifies floor levels above or below grade. 21 Bedroom Story of fire origin Below grade Fire Origin J 1

9 3-9 J 2 - Fire Spread  Identifies the extent of flame damage within the structure. Flame damage is area actually burned or charred. Does not include heat, smoke, or water damage. x Confined to room of origin Confined to floor of origin Confined to building of origin Beyond building of origin Fire Spread J 2 2 3 4 5

10 3-10 J 3 - Stories Damaged by Flame Identifies the number of stories (floor levels) damaged by fire by percent of damage. Do not include damage from heat, smoke, or water damage. x Number of stories w/ significant damage (25 to 49% flame damage) Number of stories w/ minor damage (1 to 24% flame damage) Number of stories w/ heavy damage (50 to 74% flame damage) Number of stories w/ extreme damage (75 to 100% flame damage) Number of Stories Damaged By Flame J 3 Count the ROOF as part of the highest story

11 3-11 K - Material Contributing Most to Flame Spread K 1 identifies the item contributing most to flame spread, if different from the item first ignited. K 2 identifies the type of material contributing most to flame spread, if different than the type of material first ignited. Go to Section L if there was no flame spread, or this is the same as material first ignited or unable to determine. K 1 Material Contributing Most To Flame Spread K 2 K Item contributing most to flame spread Type of material contributing most to flame spread Required only if item contributing code is 00 or<70. Check if no flame spread OR same as material first ignited OR unable to determine Skip to Section L

12 3-12 L 1 - Presence of Detectors  Captures data on detectors if they were present in the general area of the fire. Required if the fire was within the area covered by the detector. If not, skip to Section M. 632Hot Plate XRS 130 34-2345 1985 None Present Presence of Detectors L 1 Skip to section M Present N Y

13 3-13 L 2 - Detector Type Identifies the type of fire detection system that was present in the area of fire origin. 632Hot Plate XRS 130 34-2345 1985 Detector Type L 2 Smoke Heat Combination smoke - heat Sprinkler, water flow detection More than 1 type present Other Undetermined 1 2 3 4 5 0 U

14 3-14 L 3 - Detector Power Supply Identifies the type of power supplying the detector. 632Hot Plate XRS 130 34-2345 1985 Detector Power Supply L 3 Battery only Hardwire only Plug in Hardwire with battery Plug in with battery Mechanical Multiple detectors & power supplies Other Undetermined 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 U

15 3-15 L 4 - Detector Operation This data element identifies whether or not the detection equipment worked. Detector Operation L 4 1 2 3 U Fire too small to activate Operated Failed to operate Complete Section L5 Undetermined Complete Section L6

16 3-16 L 5 - Detector Effectiveness Identifies the effectiveness of the fire detection equipment in alerting the occupants. Required if the detector operated. X Alerted occupants, occupants responded Occupants failed to respond There were no occupants Failed to alert occupants Undetermined Detector Effectiveness L 5 Required if detector operated. 1 2 3 4 U

17 3-17 L 6 - Reason for Detector Failure Identifies why the detector failed to operate or did not operate properly. Required if the detector failed to operate. 632Hot Plate XRS 130 34-2345 1985 Detector Failure Reason L 6 Required if detector failed to operate Power failure, shutoff or disconnect Improper installation or placement Defective Lack of maintenance, includes cleaning Battery missing or disconnected Battery discharged or dead Other Undetermined 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 U

18 3-18 M 1 - Presence of Automatic Extinguishment System Identifies the presence of automatic extinguishment system (AES). If AES is present or partially present complete the rest of Section M. 1 – Present 2 – Partial System Present N – None U - Undetermined

19 3-19 M 2 - Type of Automatic Extinguishment System Identifies the type of AES that was present in the area of fire origin. 632Hot Plate XRS 130 34-2345 1985 Type of Automatic Extinguishment System M 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 U Wet pipe sprinkler Dry pipe sprinkler Other sprinkler system Dry chemical system Foam system Halogen type system Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) system Other special hazard system Undetermined Required if fire was within designed range of AES

20 3-20 M 3 - Automatic Extinguishment System Operation Identifies the operation and effectiveness of AES in the area of fire origin. 632Hot Plate XRS 130 34-2345 1985 Operated & effective (go to M4) Operated & not effective (M4) Fire too small to activate Failed to operate (go to M5) Other Undetermined Automatic Extinguishment System Operation M 3 Required if fire was within designed range 1 2 3 4 0 U

21 3-21 M 4 - Number of Sprinkler Heads Operating Identifies the number of sprinkler heads that operated during the fire X M 4 Required if system operated Number of Sprinkler Heads Operating Number of sprinkler heads operating

22 3-22 M 5 - Automatic Extinguishment System Failure Identifies the reason why the AES failed to operate. Required if the detector failed to operate or did not operate properly. 632Hot Plate XRS 130 34-2345 1985 System shut off Not enough agent discharged Agent discharged but did not reach fire Wrong type of system Fire not in area protected System components damaged Lack of maintenance Manual intervention Other Undetermined M 5 Required if system failed Automatic Extinguishment System Failure Reason 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 U

23 3-23 SummarySummary The Structure Fire Module (NFIRS 3) is used in conjunction with the Fire Module to gather information about larger fire incidents which involve buildings The Structure Fire Module clarifies information about: –the buildings involved in the fire –how the fire started –detection and automatic suppression equipment

24 3-24 Questions?Questions?

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