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Forensic Science Academy Parent Presentation 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Forensic Science Academy Parent Presentation 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forensic Science Academy Parent Presentation 2015-2016

2 Agenda  Magnet Contract and Requirements  Academic/Behavior infractions  Counselors  Edmodo  Field trips  Volunteer Procedures  Please note that Academy contract requirements and all information discussed tonight are valid for a students’ three years here at Arvida Middle School.  IF any requirements or information changes, we will let you know.

3 Magnet Contract and Requirements  When your child was accepted to the Forensic Science Academy both you and your child signed a contract that requires your child to maintain high academic, effort, and conduct grades.  The contract Magnet ContractMagnet Contract  Your child must maintain the same standards and requirements all 3 years here at Arvida Middle School.

4 Academic, Effort, or Behavioral Infractions  If your child receives an academic, effort, and/or conduct grade in a report card below magnet academy standards they will be placed on a probationary period of one nine week grading period. PROBATIONARY PERIOD  They will lose academy field trip privileges for that nine week period.  They will be placed on a weekly progress report that will monitor their progress.  They will have UNTIL the following nine week report card to show improvement and once again achieve academy requirements.  If student fails to show improvement within two consecutive nine week periods, they may be withdrawn from the program to their home school.

5 Counselors  Counselors are available to help students that are having a difficult time in and out of class.  Students can ask one of their teachers that they wish to speak to a counselor.  Parents, if you would like a teacher conference, call the school and request to speak with your child’s counselor to schedule a meeting. They will set up meeting with your child’s teacher.  Mr. Jimenez- 6 th grade counselor; 7 th grade last names A-L  Mrs. Spaner- 8 th grade counselor; 7 th grade last names M-Z

6 Edmodo- Parent and Student Communication  you will create an account with a username and password of your choice. You must join a class by typing in the code for the appropriate grade level. You have received a half sheet of paper reflecting the codes.  Edmodo is a site that allows teachers to communicate with students and parents for home-learning and classroom announcements.  We would like you to register and set up an account for Forensic Science Academy.  We will be sending notifications of school events and field trips related to JUST Forensic Science students and families.  It is a secure site approved by MDCPS.  You can also download the app on your cell phones and receives notifications there as well.

7 Field Trips and Parent Events  We will be having two field trips per year:  6 th grade- Miami Children’s Hospital & Hollywood Studios- dates TBA  7 th grade- Deering Estates Ghost Tour & Seaworld Overnight Quest -dates TBA  8 th grade- State Attorney’s Office & Washington DC 4 day Adventure - dates TBA  IF A STUDENT WAS PLACED ON PROBATION DUE TO AN ACADEMIC, EFFORT, AND/OR CONDUCT INFRACTION THEY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE ON A FIELD TRIP UNTIL THEY PROBATIONARY PERIOD IS DONE AND THE FOLLOWING NINE WEEK REPORT CARD SHOWS THEY HAVE ACHIEVED MAGNET REQUIREMENTS.

8 Field Trips and Parent Events Cont’  Once a field trip spot has been paid for, there are NO REFUNDS if a student is placed on probation due to academic, effort, and/or conduct infraction or any disciplinary action given by school administration such as, suspensions in and out of school.  There is no GUARANTEE that every parent can attend a field trip. Parent volunteers are selected after all students have signed up and paid. A list of parent volunteers is created and then the principal, Mrs. Aragon randomly selects.  If a student attends a field trip, they must return back to school from the field trip. They leave with us, they come back with us.  No students will be allowed to be signed out during a field trip. This is a safety issue.  Students will be required to wear appropriate clothing, following MDCPS dress code on field trips as well. We will be selling academy t-shirts that will be worn on field trip dates.

9 Volunteer Procedures  If you would like to apply to volunteer at the school or to chaperone a field trip you must apply through the parent/community portal.  Even if you were a volunteer last year, you must reapply each school year.  Volunteer Procedures:  Volunteeer Fact Sheet Volunteeer Fact Sheet  Once you have selected Arvida Middle on the Be a Volunteer tab, you will need to bring a copy of your driver’s license to Mrs. Craddock in the main office.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the volunteer procedures, you may call the school and speak to Mrs. Craddock.

10 Questions….Acknowledgement Form  Please note that academy contract requirements and all information discussed tonight are valid for a students’ three years here at Arvida Middle School.  Please sign acknowledgment form and return it on the way out.  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING OUT TONIGHT!

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