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JENNIFER GUNARDI PERIOD 4 AP Euro Seminar. Prompt Analyze the ways in which the Cold War affected the political development of European nations from the.

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2 Prompt Analyze the ways in which the Cold War affected the political development of European nations from the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the construction of the Berlin War in 1961

3 What is the Cold War? Not a physical war, used to describe the conflicting relationship between the US and the Soviet Union They cooperated with each other to defeat Nazi Germany but by 1945, the alliance was slowly disintegrating US and Soviet Unions emerged as two superpowers The U.S.Soviet Union Free electionsNo elections or fixed Democratic CapitalistTotalitarian Communist

4 Yalta Conference, February 1945 Big Three drew up a plan for the postwar settlement in Europe.  Compromise: Eastern Europe- Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, part of Yugoslavia- would be set up with coalition govts of communists and non-communists until free election would be held.  Germany would be divided into zones of occupation and would pay heavy reparations to the Soviet Union  Russia would enter war against Japan after Germany was defeated

5 Yalta Conference, February 1945

6 Potsdam Conference, July 1945 Attended by Churchill, Stalin, and Harry S. Truman Cracks showed in the alliance between Western democracies and Communist Russia when Truman criticized Stalin for not allowing free elections in Soviet-occupied Eastern Europe.  Stalin wanted absolute military security from Germany and its potential eastern allies. Also, believed that only communist states could be truly dependable allies and realized that free elections would result in independent and hostile govts on his western border.

7 West vs East May 1945, Truman cut off all aid to the USSR October 1945, declared that US would never recognize any govt established by force against free will of the people. Iron Curtain- division of Europe into Soviet-dominated countries of Eastern Europe and the West Bloc of democratic states led by the US  This became a symbol for the growing fear of communism. Truman Doctrine- the US would support any country that rejected or resisted Communism  Goal was to contain or limit Communism to the areas already under Soviet control. *Helped keep Greece and Turkey from falling under Communist control.

8 Iron Curtain

9 Marshall Plan, 1947 Secretary of State, George C. Marshall offered Europe economic aid to help it rebuild. - Gave financial aid to any countries devastated by WWII that wanted to accept it. Stalin refused Marshall Plan assistance for all Eastern Europe. He purged last remaining noncommunist elements from the coalition govts of E. Europe and established Soviet-style, one-party communist dictatorships.

10 Berlin Blockade, 1948-1949 Germany and Berlin were divided in four zones: American, British, French, and Soviet Union. Soviet Union announced that the Allies could no longer use land routes to Berlin that passed through the Soviet zone of occupation.  Stalin was angry that the West did not agree with him on a German unification plan and that the other three allies decided to unite their zones of occupation.  To thwart the blockade, Western Powers resorted to an airlift : The Berlin Airlift. Berlin Airlift lasted for 234days, as the US flew in supplies of food and necessities. 1949, Soviet Union lifted the blockade.  Containment seemed to work

11 Berlin Blockade, 1948-1949 German crowd in the American sector waiting for a US transport plane flying over Soviet blockade

12 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1949 The threat of the Soviet Union and its bloc of communist states to the security of Western Europe led to this formation, also known as NATO. - This was a military defensive alliance formed by the U.S., Canada, and 10 Western European countries to help each other if any one were attacked. In 1952, Greece and Turkey were admitted In 1955, West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) became a member

13 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1949 Stalin responded in the Warsaw Pact in 1955  Consisting of the USSR and seven satellites of Eastern Europe: East Germany, Czech, Poland, Soviet Union, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania.

14 Mass Emigration Living conditions in West Germany and East Germany became distinctly different.  West Germany was a capitalist society and experienced rapid economic growth. East Germany was complete opposite By late 1950’s many people living in E. Germany wanted to leave to West Berlin By the early 1960s, East Germany was rapidly losing both its labor force and its population.

15 Berlin Wall, 1961 Built by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, stopped the flow of refugees of E. Germany to W. Germany Sealing off West Berlin in clear violation of existing access agreements between the Great Powers.  U.S. President John F. Kennedy agreed to this construction The Berlin Wall stretched over a hundred miles. It ran not only through the center of Berlin, but also wrapped around West Berlin, entirely cutting West Berlin off from the rest of East Germany.

16 Berlin Wall 1961

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