George Washington The Early Years. George Washington was born in 1732 in Wake-field plantation around Westmorland county. When George was just 11 years.

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Presentation on theme: "George Washington The Early Years. George Washington was born in 1732 in Wake-field plantation around Westmorland county. When George was just 11 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 George Washington The Early Years. George Washington was born in 1732 in Wake-field plantation around Westmorland county. When George was just 11 years old his father died his older brother looked after him and taught him to shoot and hunt. When George was just 16 years old he became a surveyor that happened in 1748. Long after something really sad happened Georges older brother died of tuberculosis. After that George became the owner of mount Vernon.

2 George Washington The Later Years. George was caught a leader in the militia and he got involved in the Starting the French and them starting a Indian war. After the Indian War he married a woman named Martha he ended out to have two Step kids. George and Martha never had kids of there own but George Looked after his wife's children that she had from her marriage before She met George. Instead of having kids George became a landowner l Like his father.

3 George Washington And The American Revolution George became one of Virginia's Delegates at the First And Second Continental Congress this was a group of people who decided to attack The British. IN 1775 they chose Washington as a General of the Continental Army. General Washington was not easy to handle There-fore he had a ragtag army of colonial farmers who whe3re ready to Fight the trained British soldiers. Even during the tough times he held his Army together this means even losing battles but he still stood strong. Over the coarse of about six years George led his army to victory over the British. These victories included The Crossing Of The Delaware River It also included the victory the last one on Christmas [The British Surrender.] That last one happened on October,17 1781.

4 George Washington President Years During George's president years he had established many rolls Some of that still stand today. He helped to guide and build the formation Of the U.S. Government with the words of the constitution. George Formed a presidential cabinet witch was the first presidential cabinet and it Included his friends Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. After two Terms of being president he stepped down he did not want being President to rule his life plus people might think he was a king.

5 George's Death............ After a couple of years of being president George caught a bad cold That turned out to be a bad fever then he died.

6 Journal Entry # 1 I was born in 1732, But something really sad happened to me when I Was 11 years my father died so my other brother maid shore I was Educated and maid shore I knew how to hunt and shoot.

7 Journal Entry # 2 I married a women named named Martha She was a Nice women and she had two other children of her Own that I looked after and cared for.

8 Journal Entry # 3 I became a president and surved two terms. Being President was fun and I accomplished many things I had great friends during that time like Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.

9 Journal Entry # 4 I stepped Down from being President after two terms They were great ones I stepped down because I Did not want the power of being president rule me. And plus it's also like being a king.

10 Sight sources gewashington.php

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