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GEORGE WASHINGTON BY: JOHNNY Reider. His childhood Born in Virginia on Feb. 22 1732 He had 9 brothers and sisters (mixed) Went to a church school then.

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2 His childhood Born in Virginia on Feb. 22 1732 He had 9 brothers and sisters (mixed) Went to a church school then he was sent to a boarding school Growing tobacco was very popular where he lived In the teens(16-19,and early 20’s) At 16 he met Lord Fairfax, who owned the northern neck of the colony Fairfax gave Washington a job which was to survey a valley! While doing this George made a bunch of money With that money he bought a lot of land By the age of 21 he had 1500 acres of land

3 20-23 Years of age When George was 20 years old one of his brothers died Then he got asked to be a general of the colony When he was 22 years old he was a colonel in the French & Indian war About the time the revolutionary war started everyone knew about George’s skill at war When he was 23 years old he was asked to be a military advisor for N.Y. to defend against any British attack

4 At 23 years and older... He was asked to be a general for the entire army (this was during the American revolution) He lost his first battle Then he did very well in New Jersey to drive back the enemy Then sometime later he forced a man named Cornwallis to surrender The war was over (after Cornwallis's surrender) George’s Personal life He married a women who was a widow Her name was Martha She already had two kids So George and Martha didn’t have any more children

5 From middle age – his death His next duty L.O.L was to be the head chief of the constitutional convention By the time the constitution was official George had been elected the first president of the U.S. He served two terms Then at the age of 67 he died of what we call strep throat


7 Notes link my notes My resources io.html

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