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1 2 Playing a game! Say out the English names 3 茄子 蘑菇 胡椒 菠菜 火鸡 色拉油 南瓜 柠檬 奶昔 生菜 比萨饼 果冻.

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Presentation on theme: "1 2 Playing a game! Say out the English names 3 茄子 蘑菇 胡椒 菠菜 火鸡 色拉油 南瓜 柠檬 奶昔 生菜 比萨饼 果冻."— Presentation transcript:


2 1

3 2 Playing a game! Say out the English names

4 3 茄子 蘑菇 胡椒 菠菜 火鸡 色拉油 南瓜 柠檬 奶昔 生菜 比萨饼 果冻

5 4 A: pear B: cherry Guess the name of these fruits.

6 5 A: lemon B: strawberry

7 6 Choose the name that doesn’t belong to this group. A: pork B: beef C: carrot D: chicken

8 7 A: tomato B: eggplant C: mushroom D: butter Choose the name that doesn't belong to this group.

9 8 A: cabbage B: mutton C: celery D: onion

10 9 Choose the name that doesn’t belong to this group. A: hamburger B: noodles C: steamed bun D: dumpling

11 10 Choose the name that doesn’t belong to this group. A: alcohol B: wine C: beer D: juice

12 11 Choose the name that doesn't belong to this group. A: coke B: whiskey C: soda pop D: juice

13 12 Choose the name that doesn't belong to this group. A: rice B: wheat C: corn D: drink

14 13 green pepper red pepper carrot What are they? coconut

15 14 garlic pumpkin Green beans ginger

16 15 Please think about what kind of food is junk food and what is healthy food. You may look at the photos on your book

17 16 Questions about healthy eating: 1.How many nutrients should our body receive from the food we eat every day? 2.How many essential nutrients should we need every day? What are they? About 50 6 nutrients Protein Carbohydrates Fat Vitamins Minerals Water

18 17 Carbohydrates are the primary energy source that fuels your muscles and brain, which come from foods, such as whole grain breads, rice and high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables. Protein is a kind of natural substance, needed by the body for growth,used for building and repairing body tissues (组织),found in milk and meat and grain products. Fat is found under the skin. Our body needs it for energy. It can keep us from feeling cold.

19 18 Vitamin is an important kind of supplement, which is good for growth and health. You must obtain them through foods. Minerals are natural but non-living substances healthful to the body. Each mineral has a specific role in our body. We can get them through a healthy diet. Water is the most important element for us. About 2/3 of adult body weight is water. People can only survive a few days without water.

20 19 The most important thing on the first floor of the pyramids is grain food , it is the base of the pyramids. We should take grain food 400—500g every day. The ratio of the grain to beans is 10 to 1. The second floor of the pyramids are vegetables and fruits,so they are also very important in the pyramids. We should take 300—400gvegetables and fruits every day,The ratio of vegetables to fruits is 8 to 1. The third floor of the pyramids is milk and dairy , to make up protein and calcium in high quality. We should take it 200—300g every day. The fourth floor of the pyramids is protein, fat,Vitamins B and inorganic salts.we should take fowls, meat, fish and eggs 100— 200g every day. The point is oil, salt and sugar.

21 20 “ 金字塔 ” 的第一层是最重要的粮谷类食物,它构成塔基, 应占饮食中的很大比重。每日粮豆类食物摄取量 为 400—500 克,粮食与豆类之比为 10 : 1 。 “ 金字塔 ” 的第二层是蔬菜和水果,因此在金字塔中占据 了相当的地位。每日蔬菜和水果摄入量 300—400 克, 蔬菜与水果之比为 8 : 1 。 “ 金字塔 ” 的第三层是奶和 奶制品,以补充优质蛋白和 钙。每日摄取量为 200—300 克。 “ 金字塔 ” 的第四层为动物 性食品,主要提供蛋白质、 脂肪、 B 族维生素和无机盐。 禽、肉、鱼、蛋等动物性食 品每日摄入量为 100—200 克。 塔尖为适量的油、盐、糖。

22 21 Discussion: 1.What is a balanced diet? And what we should do to keep a balanced diet? A balanced diet What to do 1.A variety of food 2.Plenty of grains,vegetables and fruits 3.Low fat intake 4.Proper intake of sugar and salt 5.No alcohol 6.Match food intake with physical activity

23 22 2. All snacks are unhealthy. Do you think so ? Small amounts of snack food, like chocolate, candies and soft drinks can be eaten now and then if you fill up on food from the basic food groups first. But remember, this kind of food shouldn't be eaten every day. Try snacking on food that come from each of the different food groups, especially fruit.

24 23 3.You are a kind of food. What’s your advice to the people? 4. Make a list of food of a day which you think is healthy, and then tell us the reason breakfastlunchsnackdinnerreason

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