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CIV 101-03 March 23, 2015 Class 24 Islam and the West.

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1 CIV 101-03 March 23, 2015 Class 24 Islam and the West

2 9-2 The World of Islam, 622–750 Esp.: the influences and the spread

3 The Early Medieval West The Byzantine Empire Breakup of Church, West v East: 1014 Crusades: 1095-1285 The World of Islam: 630–1517 As things get real rough in the West (East and West West), Islam rises

4 Islam/Arabia Making us Western (a partial list—WAY more than one expects) Medicine (esp. surgery… for about 1,000 years) Math (esp. algebra & trig.) – Arabic Numbers (can’t really do our math without `em) Science (esp. Physics) – Astrolabes (without these, probably no voyages to the new world) – Greek astronomy (with added mathematical insights) Hydraulics (pumps and all things water) Distilled spirits (`nuf said) – suppressed/lost after Greece/Rome

5 Islam/Arabia Making us Western Musical instruments – Rebec=Violin – Quitara=Guitar The troubadour (remembered in the west as western/medieval) Writing in “script” – Calligraphy that gives us Illustrated manuscripts Numerous font styles The west mistook Arabic calligraphy for ancient writing stylistics and adopted it both for that and for its beauty.

6 Fabric industries – Huge advances in all woven arts and all ornamentation arts Trade, including/esp. all things from the far east, but also from everywhere else. – Spices – Food varieties Financial services advances (“the check” as a kind of mobile credit) Steel and tempering (improvements/advances) The pointed arch Islam/Arabia Making us Western

7 Arches of the Great Mosque

8 A LOT of translation/preservation work – Translations from Greek/Latin to Arabic – Translations from Arabic BACK INTO Greek/Latin – Esp. philosophy and such that the Christian/Catholic West suppressed Greek classics – Esp. Aristotle Roman classics – Work done, esp. in Spain, Palestine, Bagdad, Sicily. – Divides Reason from Faith (Averroes) Islam/Arabia Making us Western

9 A common enemy – Unified enemies for the Christian/Catholic Church & Muslims/Islam to fight On theological grounds Over the Holy Land (the Crusades) – For the West to fight as a state/against empire A common cause – Evangelical faiths with messianic missions, both willing to fight and die over religion and efforts to convert/control/dominate Islam/Arabia Making us Western

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