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By Natasha Ryan RANGE OF MEDIA EXAMPLES.. Question… Do you think that official and unofficial websites contribute to a film’s success? You should refer.

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2 Question… Do you think that official and unofficial websites contribute to a film’s success? You should refer to other media products to support your answer.

3 IMDb This will help me answer the question because this is an unofficial website which is advertising Twilight, it allows the audience to watch trailers of the film and it also gives a description about it as well. This will give the film a successful box office release because it allows the audience to have a sneak view.

4 Twilight website This is Twilight’s official website this could increase the box office success by getting the more excited. Its gets them excited because the website looks like something out of the film making them browse around the site more. The more they look round the more knowledge they gain about the film which means it more interactive, it is personalised for the audience but all of the things they see leaves them wanting more, it hooks them in making them wanting to see the film.

5 Facebook Facebook is an unofficial website of Twilight, but this allows the audience to be prosumers and create We Media. On this social networking site the audience can post different status about the film, they can be good or bad, but the things that they do post will generate more interest in the film. For example, a person posted ‘Twilight is the best film I have seen this year’ this will make people interested in what it is about and could make them want to go see it.

6 Twilight fan website The fan website allows all of the fans of Twilight to share views, photos and clips of the film in one place. There is a forum allowing them to talk. This will contribute to the success of the box office film because it will build the excitement up because the unofficial website has given them them parts of the film but not the whole story line, making them want to see more. It also allows them to be competitive with other fans because they might want to be twilights number one fan, therefore they will try and find out as much information on the film as possible and they will want to be one of the first to see the film. Making the film a success.

7 A twitter account. There is a twitter fan account of the film Twilight, this is an unofficial website of the Twilight. This will bring the film success because this will make it stay of their fan’s mind for longer. This happens because every time that account tweets it will end up on the fan’s timeline and when they read it they will start to think of the film, therefore the more that account tweets about the film the longer and more frequent Twilight will be on the fan’s minds. This will make the film a box office a success because after reading many tweets they will want to go see the film as soon as it comes out.

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