Jamestown Pocahontas and John Rolfe Tobacco Plantation VIRGINIA/ JAMES- TOWN 1607 Capt. John Smith John Rolfe London (Virginia) Company- English gentlemen.

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2 Jamestown Pocahontas and John Rolfe Tobacco Plantation VIRGINIA/ JAMES- TOWN 1607 Capt. John Smith John Rolfe London (Virginia) Company- English gentlemen & Plymouth Company- not family men Profit Agriculture – tobacco Indentured servants- first Africans arrived in 1619 House of Burgesses= America’s first legislature Named after King James I

3 Pilgrims Mayflower “City Upon a Hill” “For we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.”- John Winthrop MASSA - CHUSETTS 1620- Plymouth 1628- Mass. Bay Pilgrims John Winthrop Pilgrims- Puritan separatists Puritans (not separatists) Religious haven and profit Pilgrims settle Plymouth- live & farm Mayflower Compact= laws to protect general good (self government) Mass Bay thrives colony’s success inspired Great Migration

4 John Wheelwright Separation between church and state forced him to leave Massachusetts Bay Colony New Hampshire 1623 John Mason John Wheelwright English Settlers led by Capt. Mason Seekers of religious freedom Profit and Wheel- wright banished from Mass Bay for defending Anne Hutchinson Started as fishing village Exeter Compact like Mayflower Compact King Charles II separated New Hampshire out of Mass Bay to gain more control

5 New Jersey 1623-Dutch 1664-land grant Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkley First est. by the Dutch Quakers eventually bought up property Profit Real estate sales Religious freedom/ assembly promised to attract settlers Originally named “New Nether- lands”

6 James, Duke of York Originally New Amsterdam New York 1624- Dutch 1664- English Peter Minuit Duke of York Diverse population Originally Dutch settlement Taken over by King Charles II granted to James II to get Dutch out Originally named “New Amsterdam “ Bought for $24

7 Lord Baltimore Religious Haven for Catholics Maryland 1633 George Calvert= Lord Baltimore English Settlers Trade Became haven for Catholics Colony had problems w/ climate, disease & Indian attacks Named for Queen Mary I

8 Separation of Church and State Anne Hutchinson Rhode Island 1636 Roger Williams Anne Hutchinson Seekers of religious and political freedom Puritan dissident colony Williams & Hutchinson driven from Salem – believed church and state should be separate Unique charter that established religious freedom

9 Thomas Hooker Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Connecti- cut 1636 Puritan Reverend Thomas Hooker Dutch and English settlers Puritan dissident colony Fertile valley “Orders” was first constitution in American history People wanted a more democratic form of gov.

10 Land given to the Delaware Indians by William Penn Delaware 1638 Dutch Capt. Peter Minuit, Swedish settlers and William Penn (controlled briefly) Dutch, Swedish and English settlers Industrial Gains Fertile land Whale oil production Changed power many times Swedish brought log cabins

11 Farm based economy North Carolina 1653 Eight men were given grants to the Carolinas Virginia Colonists Colonists wanted buffer zone from Spanish Florida Small, self- sufficient tobacco farmers; good harbors, poor transportation More democratic, independent Lost colony of Roanoke in NC Carolus is Latin for Charles (II)

12 South Carolina 1663 Sir John Yeamans English colonists Agricultural profit Rice plantations and heavy reliance on slave labor Economy and culture resembled West Indies Sir John Yeamans

13 William Penn Pennsylvania 1682 William Penn Swedish, Dutch, English and Quakers (Society of Friends) Farming “The Holy Experiment” 1.Religious refuge 2.Liberal gov. 3.Personal profit “Forrest of Penn”= Pennsylvania

14 Georgia 1732 General James Edward Oglethorpe Soldiers, outcasts and prisoners King George II wanted “buffer zone” for protection and criminals est. plantation s and farms- still poor colony Ran by military Oglethrorpe banned rum – king repealed his ban



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