Board of ACPE, Inc. Governance Restructuring A Draft Study Document.

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1 Board of ACPE, Inc. Governance Restructuring A Draft Study Document

2 Some History about the Process January, 2009  the ACPE Board created a taskforce to carry out a self-study of organizational structure (SOS) and expenses. Fall, 2009  regional presentations of SOS findings; recommendations and feedback solicited.

3 Historical Process of this Study Document, Cont’d. Fall, 2009  With feedback from Regions, ACPE Board voted to implement the Phase One Recommendations on immediate cost containment items. Two examples were: Eliminating print newsletter and moving to E-Newsletter (actual savings: $3500.00) Eliminating Past President Position (actual savings: $4500.00)

4 Work Group on Association Governance and Organization November, 2009 Work Group on Association Governance and Organization formed Motion # 51, Fall 2009 Board Minutes September, 2010 Work Group presented Study Document to Board Board voted to take Study Document to Regions

5 The Work Group Three Tasks  Clarify expectations and structures related to management and leadership of ACPE professional staff  Determine organizational value of representative basis for ACPE Board, Commissions and Committees  Research benefits and losses in regard to decreasing number of regions in ACPE

6 ACPE Board Offers Developed a new Mission/Vision/Values Statement for discussion and feedback Developed a Study Document for governance restructuring

7 Consideration of a New Mission/Vision/Values Statement for ACPE The ACPE Board is proposing a new Mission/Vision/Values Statement for ACPE.

8 Old Mission Statement “The Association For Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc., (ACPE) is a professional association committed to advancing experienced-based theological education for seminarians, clergy and lay person of diverse cultures, ethnic groups and faith traditions. We establish standards, certify supervisors and accredit programs and centers in varied settings. ACPE programs promote the integration of personal history, faith tradition and the behavioral sciences in the practice of spiritual care”

9 The New Mission Statement “To advance and advocate for experience- based and professional theological and spiritual care and education.”

10 The Old Vision Statement “As the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. we will be distinguished as the premier provider of clinical pastoral education and recognized by the United Stated Department of Education:  Encouraging creative response to the changing context of spiritual care in the communities we serve;  Modeling professional competence, integrity and high ethical standards;  Sustaining a welcoming organizational culture in which members are encouraged to learn and grow;  Embracing diversity, collaboration, and accountability on a national and international level; and  Prophetically advocating for excellence in pastoral education and the practice of spiritual care.”

11 The New Vision Statement “To be the premier global provider of professional spiritual and theological education by setting standards, certifying educators, accrediting centers and providing continuing education.”

12 ACPE Values Spirituality Transformative Processes Transparency Advocacy Diversity

13 ACPE Values Spirituality  Maintaining clear identity as an organization with spiritual and theological foundations  Including theological and spiritual reflection in all philosophy and work Transparency  Collaborating and cooperating at all levels  Clear accreditation and certification processes  Fostering mutual accountability in all matters  Members participating in decision-making

14 ACPE Values Transformative Processes  Striving for excellence in education  Integrating personal and professional identity  Upholding professional competence  Maintaining highest ethical accountability  Engaging in creative and generative dialogue  Truth-telling Advocacy  Strengthening professional collaboration  Advocating for quality theological and spiritual care  Intentionally mentoring members to become leaders Diversity  Commitment to racial, sexual, social, religious and cultural inclusion  Valuing scholarship from a variety of perspectives  Embracing power sharing

15 Why Change Governance? ACPE, Inc. is an evolving organization in a changing world of institutional and financial pressures. A new Governance will:  Empower ACPE to grow and develop as an organization  Make ACPE more cost effective and more fiscally responsible.  Empower leaders to be more creative and collaborative  Increase representation and make communication more effective  Enhance decision making processes

16 Why Change Governance? The new governance structure ensures:  cross-fertilization of new learning and best practices  financial sustainability  consistency and accountability across organization  productive growth  Optimal utilization of volunteer leaders  more efficient decision making  creativity and the enhancement of community

17 Key Benefits of the Proposed Governance Changes  Further the work of ACPE, Inc.  Engage in leadership of the organization Through input and feedback Through specific tasks and work  Create new avenues for feedback and input  Create development opportunities for members to become leaders

18 Consideration for Governance Changes: Commissions and Committees Three Commissions continue to relate directly to the Board  Accreditation Commission  Certification Commission  Ethics Commission Make Standards a Commission  Standards and Professional Practices Commission

19 Proposals for Governance Changes: The Board A Board of Directors with 7 appointed leaders:  Serve as the organization’s legal decision-making body  Provide vision and planning  Oversee planning and policy development  Provide financial oversight  Provide Executive Director oversight  Oversee public relations and development  Oversee the internal work of the organization Estimated savings: $29,000 - $34,000 +

20 Proposals for Governance Changes: The Board The Board of Directors would be chaired for the first two years by the ACPE President Elect. The third year and following, the Board will elect a chair from among its membership. Positions of ACPE President and President Elect will be eliminated. The Executive Director will report to the Board Chair and is ex officio. Leadership Council Convener is a member of the Board The Board will meet face to face at least once per year and utilize email and utilize email and teleconferencing for more frequent communications.

21 Proposals for Governance Changes: The Leadership Council Comprised of 22 members:  In consultation with RANC, produces slate of potential Board members for ACPE membership vote.  Creates and plans programs  Suggests and create program policy  Plans and implements public relations initiatives  Proposes budgets and supports fundraising  Creates and assigns subcommittees, task forces, work groups  Facilitates organization-wide communication  Gathers regional input on issues and actions  Collaborates with the Board to maintain/enhance the mission  Embeds the values of the organization

22 Proposals for Governance Changes: The Leadership Council Membership is comprised of:  Regional Chairs (9)  Regional Directors (9)  Clinical Member (1)  REM Representative (1)  Graduate School of Religion Representative (1)  Endorsing Body Representative (1)  The Operating Officer (ex-officio)  The Financial Officer (ex-officio)

23 Proposals for Governance Changes: The Leadership Council Elects a convener and recorder from its members. Meets by teleconference and at the annual meeting only, without a travel budget (Estimated Cost: $1,000.00)

24 Proposals for Governance Changes: The Executive Director Serves as the “face of the organization” Hired by and accountable to the Board Carries out the vision of the Board Oversees the work of the Operating Officer and Executive Financial Officer Authorized to hold Commissions accountable to their budgets. Attends to long-range planning Oversees issues related to professional ethics Represents ACPE, Inc. with cognate groups and accrediting bodies

25 Proposals for Governance Changes: The Operating Officer Formerly known as “The Associate Director” Reports to the Executive Director Leads day-to-day operations of ACPE, Inc., including all HR duties Coordinates certification and accreditation processes Maintains accreditation with USDOE

26 Proposals for Governance Changes: The Financial Officer A new, paid (1/4 time) position Reports to the Executive Director Attends to financial issues of the organization Prepares financial reports for board, council, and membership Arranges for annual audit Estimated Cost: $20,000.00

27 ACPE at a Glance ACPE Membership (Individuals & Regions) ACPE Commissions ACPE National Office (through ED) ACPE Leadership Council ACPE Board of Directors

28 Time Line for Study Document and Governance Proposals Fall 2010 – Present Study Document to Regions November 2010 – Board considers feedback from Regions and makes a proposal for governance changes to be voted on in Spring of 2011

29 Time Line for Study Document and Governance Proposals December 2010 – The proposal for governance changes is published in ACPE E-News Spring 2011 – Membership votes on governance changes at ACPE National Meeting

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