Welcome to 4th Grade Mr. Ward.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4th Grade Mr. Ward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4th Grade Mr. Ward

2 Classroom Rules Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking Stay in your seat unless you have permission to get up Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself No offensive language Keep chair flat on the floor

3 Classroom Rules Respect each other
Follow all school and classroom rules Walk quietly in the class and hallway Work quietly Complete all assignments Keep your work area neat and clean Keep your hands & feet to yourself

4 Index Card Please Include the following information on the index card:
Full name (First, Middle, Last) Address Parent’s name, Phone number, work number, and cell phone number Birthday

5 Bathroom policy You will be able to go to the bathroom twice a day. You may go at the following times: 10:20 am and during your lunch period. Raising your pinky finger is the sign that is use for the bathroom.

6 Pencils You should have 2 pencils at your desk each day, please make sure you have them both sharpened in the morning. If both pencil points break, with permission, you may get another sharpened pencil out of the pencil box. Raise your in yours needs sharpening

7 Classroom Schedule 8:50 -10:20 Reading 10:20-11:45 Math
11:50-12:15pm Spelling 12:15-12:45 pm Lunch 12:45-1:1:10 pm Language 1:10-2:00 pm Science/Social Studies 2:00-2:45 Special

8 Grades A 85-92 B 75-84 C 71-74 D 70 and below F

9 Incentives Homework passes Classroom party
Computer Time (educational sites) Treats Positive notes/phone call home Good behavior certificates

10 Discipline Behavior Report Lunch Detention
In school suspension (school policy) Out of school suspension (school policy)

11 Icebreaker Introduce yourselves and tell us something about you.

12 I_________________ acknowledge the rules and regulation of classroom 307. I am signing to show that I will adhere to the rules in this package. Signature____________________ Date ________________

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