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Welcome to 3rd Grade Parent Orientation Night August 7 th, 2012 5:00-6:00.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3rd Grade Parent Orientation Night August 7 th, 2012 5:00-6:00."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3rd Grade Parent Orientation Night August 7 th, 2012 5:00-6:00

2 About Mrs. Baylis Born and raised in Morehead City NC Graduated from East Carolina University with a BS in Elem. Ed. With a concentration in Child Development in 2000 (go pirates!) This is my 12th year here at AWE I have been married to my husband Rich for 10 years, we have 2 sweet girls, Caroline 8 years and Hunter 2 years!

3 Attendance 7:55- 2:45 If your child arrives after 8:05, they are considered tardy. Please walk them to the office and check them in. Due to safety issues, there will be no early checkout after 2:15. See Parent Handbook for details. All absences are unexcused until a note or email is received from a parent or guardian.

4 Parent Visitation We welcome parent visits to our classroom; however, all visitors MUST sign in using the computer system in front of the office prior to coming to the classroom. Parent volunteers are needed for Extended team planning and other classroom needs. There will be a volunteer meeting in the library following our meeting tonight. Please remember that all parents must complete the volunteer process in the office before volunteering in the classroom and on field trips. There is a link on our school webpage with more information.

5 Behavior Plan Classroom Rules: 1. Follow directions the first time given 2. Respect other’s space, property, and ideas 3. Raise your hand and be patient 4. Stay seated and work quietly 5. Complete all assignments 6. Be polite, respectful, and safe

6 AWE Core Values Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Cooperative Be Problem Solvers Be Safe Be Your Best

7 Classroom Schedule 8:00-8:10- Turn in Homework/announcements/prepare for day 8:10-8:30 Independent Writing time 8:30-9:00 Writing lesson 9:00-9:15 Cursive writing 9:15-9:25 Bathroom/Snack break 9:25-10:45 Reading Workshop ( with Science/Social Studies) Reading mini lesson Silent independent reading Guided reading groups 10:45-11:30 Math 11:30-11:55 A Math/ Math 4 Today/Small group 11:55-12:25 LUNCH 12:30-12:45 bathroom and homework/Communication logs 12:45-1:15 RECESS 1:10-1:50- Science/Social Studies (hands on activities & experiments) 1:50-2:30 SWAP 2:30-2:40- Read Aloud 2:40 Prepare for Dismissal/Pack-up 2:45 Car riders are dismissed 2:55 Walkers are dismissed

8 AWE Consequences If a student chooses to break a rule: 1) Verbal Warning- Repeat and Redirect 2) Sign the Log- Logical Consequence- Time out in classroom 3) Bounce- Time-out in Buddy Class with a task. Note or Phone call home. 4) Office Referral: Complete the task and Phone call home The Following infractions are referred straight to the office: Physical Harm to Self and/or others. Inappropriate Language. A discipline log will be kept to document both positive and negative behavior.

9 E-mail Address and Class Wiki space Page Visit the school website at Email: **The best way to contact me, please put “parent” in subject line. Please let me know if you do not receive a reply.

10 Emergency Procedures Fire Drills (Once a month) Tornado Drills Code 300- In the event of a real emergency, please be patient and follow all staff instructions. More information in brown packets

11 Title I Parent Academy Compact for Learning Extended Learning To insure our continued Title I funds, please fill out and return a free/reduced lunch form.

12 Homework Weekly homework will consist of 30-40 minutes per night, normally Monday –Friday (1 reading response on the weekend) Your child is also expected to read each night for a minimum of 20 minutes, including weekends. Record the book title and write a response on weekly reading response sheet. Spelling contract is located in your blue folder and words are located on Words are written each Monday and kept in blue folder Math is given as homework on occasion, please let me know if you are unable to access the internet

13 Weekly Homework/Communication Folder (blue folder) Each student has received a blue folder. The blue folder is an excellent tool in which to record all homework assignments, project due dates, upcoming tests and other important reminders. After checking your child’s completed homework and other information, please initial the communication log each night, located in the front of the folder.

14 Weekly Red Folders/Engrade Will be sent home every Thursday with the previous week’s work. Please review your child’s work and check Engrade each week. Please sign and return folder on Friday. Comment section is for your comments.

15 Engrade is used as a gradebook and parent communication. Everyone should register on Engrade with the information that was sent home. Messages are regularly send through Engrade to parents

16 Curriculum Visit the Department of Public Instruction website for the North Carolina Standard Course of Study You can also visit the AWE homepage for our curriculum overview.

17 Testing Third grade students are required to take the End of Grade (EOG) test in Reading and Math. A K-12 local Assessment will be given every 12 weeks instead of 9 weeks.

18 Science and Social Studies PBL’s Science and Social Studies in integrated with reading in a PBL model. PBL= Product or Problem based learning. The students are either given a problem to solve or a product to create that directly relates to their curriculum. I believe projects should be completed in school and we do the majority of these in our own classroom.

19 1 to 1 Laptop Classroom We have a wonderful opportunity that each 3rd grade classroom at AWE called the 1 to 1 classroom. Each child will be assigned a netbook which will allow the students to increase their technology skills as well as other 3rd grade curriculum objectives. There will be a small fee of $20.00 to cover accidental insurance for the use of the netbook for each child. The students will be able to use these during the day at school for Math Facts in a Flash, AR tests, STAR tests, published writing tasks, taking notes and integrative multimedia projects that are linked to the PBL units.

20 Tentative Field Trips Camp Don Lee-environmental studies Opera End of year trip to Raleigh to visit the Science and History museums ***All trips must be paid for in advance and the cost is non- refundable. ***All of these trips are tentative this year and may be canceled due to transportation costs and the nature of our economy.

21 Conference Opportunities Many issues can be resolved through email or telephone conversations. However, if a conference is needed I will make every effort to schedule it at a convenient time for everyone involved. Best times: Monday or Tuesday afternoons Wednesdays from 8:30-9:15 Thursday mornings

22 Awesomeville Fair TBA This is our major PTA Fund-raiser. Each grade level will have a booth with games and prizes. We will need volunteers to help run the booth and donate items for the class basket.

23 Thank You for Coming! Remember that parents and teachers working together can make a world of difference in the lives of children. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

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