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Obj Identify the ages, stages, and tasks of child development.

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1 Obj. 5.01 Identify the ages, stages, and tasks of child development.
Teen Living Notes Obj Identify the ages, stages, and tasks of child development.

2 Ages: Infant: Birth to 1 year old Toddler: Ages 1 to 3 years old
Preschool Age: Ages 3 –5 years old School Age: Ages 5-10 years old Rolling over & sitting up alone – Infant stage Starting kindergarten – preschooler stage

3 Stages Physical Development: Happens at different rates for different children. Leaving a child in a playpen all day will SLOW their development growth. Large motor skills- developing large muscles such as in the legs & arms. Ex: riding a tricycle. Small motor skills- developing small muscles such as hands & fingers. (ex: making a necklace with beads) Reflexes- automatic involuntary responses. Eye-hand coordination: the ability of the eyes and the hand & arm muscles to work together.

4 Stages Intellectual: A child’s ability to do mental activities and improved language development. Example: sorting blocks by color Language - To help a child develop language, talk to them friendly. Object permanence- learned between 8 to 12 months that people & objects still exist after they are gone from sight. {Much younger children (before 8 months) have a concept of “out of sight, out of mind” this is why babies don’t cry when mom’s are gone.}

5 Stages Emotional: A child’s ability to handle their emotions. Cuddling and talking to a child helps this area. Unconditional Love- love a child no matter what they have done. Bonding – holding a baby close, giving affection. Sense of trust- infants will begin to develop this through close relationships that are formed early in their life. Self – image – how the child is talked too & actions toward the child is forming the child’s self image (how they see themselves & feel about themselves)

6 Stages Social: A child’s ability to relate to other people. Talk to children in friendly voices to help them develop a positive self esteem. Example: teaching children to take turns, share and compromise (give & take). Solitary play- infant ages; child will play alone. Parallel play- toddler ages; child will play beside one another instead of together. Cooperative play- preschool ages; seeking out play groups of three or four children.

7 Tasks Principles on development of children:
Sequential development- Usually takes place in the same order, but at different rates of speed. Children build on what they learn, adding layers of ability. Example: crawling before walking. Individual development rates- some children develop more rapidly and some more slowly. Each child has their own unique time frame. Interrelated development areas- Many skills require that a child be ready in more than one area of life. Example: toileting skills include physical control of body muscles as well as intellectual and emotional readiness.

8 Obj. 5.02 Plan age-appropriate activities for children.
Teen Living Notes Obj Plan age-appropriate activities for children.

9 Types of activities Infant: they need sensory play opportunities. They like to look at colors, shapes, and patterns. Infants explore with their hands, eyes, and mouth. Infants like seeing faces, hearing voices, and feeling the caring touch of people around them. (cuddling, light bouncing, talking, singing, and playing pee a boo)

10 Types of activities Toddler: With improved motor skills, they enjoy running, jumping, hoping, skipping, balancing, climbing, and swinging. Play catch with a lightweight ball or dance to music. Toddlers love playing with water, sand, modeling clay, play-dough, and finger paints.

11 Types of activities Preschoolers: Better small motor skills make it possible for these children to complete activities like coloring books, draw pictures, and putting puzzles together.

12 Toy Selections Infants- mobiles, toys that squeak or rattle, teething rings, crib “busy boxes” toys, stuffed toys or soft balls. Toddlers- scientist kit, puzzles, stacking blocks, dolls, sorting toys, push pull toys, or riding toys. Preschoolers- coloring books, draw pictures, paste colored paper into collages, teaching toys, play scenes, or games.

13 Resources Reading books (read age appropriate books for correct age level) (Look on cover of book for what ages the reading material is suitable for) Using Television sensibly Field trips If a care-giver was busy in the kitchen items like a plastic bowls, plastic measuring cups or wooden spoons would be good items to share with child to help keep them busy with play.

14 Resources Most young children like to help and participate in the kitchen when you are preparing meals; to help child feel like they are aiding in the cooking process give them a bowl with some cheerios and tell them to play cooking on the floor. This will be easy clean up afterward.

15 Resources The most important factor to consider when choosing a safe toy for a child is the AGE OF CHILD that toy is safe for. READ the label on the toy box. Inclusion means when you place children with disabilities (either learning or physical) within regular classroom for all or part of the day.

16 Resources Vaccines developed to prevent specific diseases, such as polio, diphtheria, and measles are called immunizations. When handling behavior you may use time-out which is when the child is required to sit quietly for a period of time, usually about one minute per year of age. Ex: 5 year old in time out for just 5 minutes.

17 Resources When used correctly time out will teach the child self control, it should be an opportunity for gaining composure (self-discipline), not punishment. Facilitating learning is when you help bring about play without controlling what the child does. EX: you may pull out a box of blocks and say “let’s build a house.” Give the child choices and direct their play, don’t play for them.

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