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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 People ChristianityIslam Judaism More People.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 People ChristianityIslam Judaism More People."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 People ChristianityIslam Judaism More People

2 People $100 According to Christianity, who was (or is) the Messiah?

3 People $100 Jesus

4 People $200 According to Islam, who was the last and most important prophet?

5 People $200 Muhammad

6 People $300 Who is considered the founder of Judaism?

7 People $300 Abraham

8 People $400 Who led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt to the “promised land”?

9 People $400 Moses

10 People $500 Who was the first king of Israel?

11 People $500 David

12 Christianity $100 What for books of the Christian Bible contain accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus?

13 Christianity $100 The Gospels

14 Christianity $200 What is the most populous branch of Christianity?

15 Christianity $200 Roman Catholic

16 Christianity $300 The Christian Bible contains all of the books of the Jewish Bible, plus other books that are collectively called what?

17 Christianity $300 The New Testament

18 Christianity $400 What branch of Christianity broke away from Catholicism and became prevalent in eastern Europe?

19 Christianity $400 Eastern Orthodox

20 Christianity $500 What branch of Christianity began when Catholic priests began to protest against certain Catholic practices?

21 Christianity $500 Protestant

22 Islam $100 What is the Muslim name for God?

23 Islam $100 Allah

24 Islam $200 What is the Muslim holy text called?

25 Islam $200 The Quran

26 Islam $300 What city are Muslims supposed to visit at least once in their lives?

27 Islam $300 Mecca

28 Islam $400 What is the name of the Muslim holy month, during which fasting is required for most Muslim adults?

29 Islam $400 Ramadan

30 Islam $500 How many times are Muslims required to pray?

31 Islam $500 5

32 Judaism $100 What is the name of the code of laws handed to Moses?

33 Judaism $100 The Ten Commandments

34 Judaism $200 What is the name given to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible?

35 Judaism $200 The Torah

36 Judaism $300 What holiday commemorates the event in which the first born in Egypt were killed, but the Jewish homes were skipped if they put lambs blood on the door?

37 Judaism $300 Passover

38 Judaism $400 What is the name of the branch of Judaism that follows Jewish laws the most strictly?

39 Judaism $400 Orthodox

40 Judaism $500 What branch of Judaism follows Jewish laws the least strictly?

41 Judaism $500 Reformed

42 Holy Days $100 What is the name of the day that Jesus was crucified?

43 Holy Days $100 Good Friday

44 Holy Days $200 What is the name of the Jewish holy day on which they atone for their sins from the previous year?

45 Holy Days $200 Yom Kippur

46 Holy Days $300 What is the name of the day on which Jesus rose from the dead, according to Christians?

47 Holy Days $300 Easter

48 Holy Days $400 What is the name for the Jewish New Year?

49 Holy Days $400 Rosh Hoshanah

50 Holy Days $500 What is the name of the day on which the fasting of Ramadan ends?

51 Holy Days $500 Eid al-Fitr

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