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HOW TO DESIGN THE TRAINING CONTENT Training Unit 7.1 Standards for defining the training content.

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1 HOW TO DESIGN THE TRAINING CONTENT Training Unit 7.1 Standards for defining the training content

2 How to design the training content Standard for defining the training content The planners of the mobility, therefore, must keep in mind this complexity and, in the planning of the training, must take into account a variety of parties who have a say in determining the contents: » the sending body; » the participants; » the host body; » families; » businesses.

3 How to design the training content Definition of the contents The Quality Charter for mobility makes it clear that the learning plan must show objectives and expected results, as well as the methods of delivery and implementation. The application form explicitly asks what methods were adopted to define the training content of mobility and specifies consistency with the requirements which we must meet and with the identified target group as the quality characteristic essential in a transnational mobility project.

4 How to design the training content Phase before the presentation of the project the promoting organisation must define with a good degree of detail the following aspects: to specify the host organisations and the characteristics of the businesses for the vocational internship; to verify the typology of the agreement to be drawn up with them; to define the macro structure of the training plan, that is to say the objectives of the training, methods of delivery, skills to transfer, practical work to achieve, results of the learning.

5 How to design the training content VETPRO mobility makes the identification of the welcoming organisations already identified at the stage of application (to negotiate the specific contents of the exchange, in relation to which participants are preselected). IVT and PLM mobility has many multi-sectorial characteristics and so requires a wider sample of businesses in which to carry out the vocational internship. (Agencies ask not to start from businesses to select candidates, but to follow the opposite path).

6 How to design the training content The final beneficiary It plays an important role in the definition of the contents: thus, already at the stage of needs analysis and examination of the curricula Vitae, the promoting organisation: can gain useful information about the expectations, the interests and wishes of the beneficiaries; to evaluate which skills are able to supplement and enrich what was learned at school or during educational training.

7 How to design the training content Construction of the training Can also be understood as a process of interaction between different players, oriented at the building of a training agreement between the network of partnerships and the final beneficiaries of the mobility action. This process must take into consideration some parameters of reference, which constitute the qualitative standards of the project.

8 How to design the training content The standards of reference The training content must be consistent with analysis of the needs carried out on the final recipients, which will have highlighted motivations, interests and the potential of the vocational internship. The programme must be tangible. The contents of the training must be sustainable. The training programme should be useful for all the players who participate in the experience.

9 How to design the training content The training programme must be structured and deliverable, at the time when the beneficiaries go to the host country. It must be kept in mind that unforeseen events or problems could mean that the process has to be modified. It follows that good training means that it can be adapted without then becoming distorted and ineffective.

10 How to design the training content Content Aims of the training content in a mobility project. Stages for the formulation of the training content. Differences between IVT, PLM and VETPRO mobility. Standards of reference: consistency, feasibility, sustainability and usefulness. Necessary flexibility in the planning and the possibility of re- arranging the training content.

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