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WELCOME PARENTS WELCOME PARENTS You are the most important people in your child’s life. You are in a unique position to help your child reach their highest.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME PARENTS WELCOME PARENTS You are the most important people in your child’s life. You are in a unique position to help your child reach their highest."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME PARENTS WELCOME PARENTS You are the most important people in your child’s life. You are in a unique position to help your child reach their highest potential.

2 Now sit back and relax and... GetReadyToBeAFirstGrader!!!

3 Let’s Run Through Our Day WWWWhen we come into class of the morning we unpack our backpacks, taking out our books and folders. PPPPut books and take home folder in desk. TTTTurn in our homework folder and pick up morning worksheets. SSSSharpen two pencils. UUUUse the bathroom if we need to. SSSSit down and start working.

4 8:30 A.M.  Morning Meeting  During morning meeting the student of the day …  Identifies the year, month, day of the week and the number day of the month.  Writes out the date.  Graphs the weather.

5  Counts with the class to a given number.  Tells time.  Counts money.  Fills in the Today is…, Yesterday was… and Tomorrow will be… chart  3 Friends share information with the class.  Class gives student of the day a round of applause.

6 8:50 – 9:00 - Spelling  During Spelling time we practice writing out our Spelling words for the week.  This is done on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  On Wednesdays we have a practice spelling test. Those getting a 100% on Wednesdays get Thursday and Friday off from Spelling.  On Fridays we have the final test for those that missed words on Wednesday.

7 9:00 – 9:20 - Phonics  During Phonics we work on …  Phonics workbook pages  Making Words  This is where we take letters and put them together to make different words.

8 9:20 Bathroom Break

9 9:30 – 10:30 – Reading  During this block we work on vocabulary words and reading our stories for the week.  We also work on pages from our Reading Workbook.  These pages are done together in class.  They can be done as a group.  They may also be done independently then checked together as a class.

10 10:30 – Teacher Read Aloud  This is a time where I read a book to the children.  Modeling fluent reading with expression is a valuable tool for our young children who are learning to read.  It is good to do this periodically at home too!

11 10:40 – 11:25 – LUNCH and RECESS

12 11:25 – 11:35 - BathroomBreak

13 11:35 – 12:00 – Working With Words  During this block we work on five words that appear on both our Spelling List and Vocabulary List.  We do 3 different little chants for each word.  We then write the word.  Then we do a fun on the back activity.

14 On the back activities include...  Monday – Box it in  Tuesday – Unscramble  Wednesday – Fill in the blank  Thursday – Be a mind reader  Friday – No Working With Words - We have our Vocabulary Test

15 12 – 1:15 – Math  We have a math lesson that always includes some type of hands on activity.  Saxon homework sheets

16 Saxon Sheets  Are Black and White  Have a Side A – which we do together in class  Have a Side B – which is to be done as homework and returned

17 1:15 – 2:00 – Special Curriculum Time DDDDuring this block we may do any of the following… TTTThematic Unit SSSSpecial Holiday SSSScience CCCCreative Writing

18 2:00 – Bathroom Break  2: 05 – 2:25 – Recess  2:25 – 2:35 – Clean up desk area, pick up things around the room, get mail and final bathroom break if needed.  2:35 – 2:42 – Talk about what we did during the day.  2:42 – Dismissal begins.

19 TEST RESULTS  Spelling Tests – Letters wrong are circled and correct way written beside it.  Math Tests – Problems are marked wrong and correct answer written beside it.  Vocabulary Tests – Words that are missed are written down with the way the word was said/the word as it was supposed to be.  Example – said/say

20 Behavior Plan -  Behavior Board for minor classroom problems.  Immediate loss of recess for fighting, misbehaving in restroom, not bringing back homework.  Calls or notes home for serious problems.  Quiet Room – for unfinished morning work.  Stay in afternoon recess for unfinished afternoon work.

21 Important things to do at home...  Read, Read, Read –  Your child to you  You to your child  Shared reading

22 More... SSSStudy vocab words MMMMath homework if any WWWWork on Spelling HHHHave some fun!!!

23 Unique ways to study that are fun…..  Orally say spelling words at the dinner table, in the car, or anytime.  Magnetic letters on the fridge.  Write them in shaving cream.  For vocab words make flash cards with index cards or cut up the vocab list.

24 Ways to Reach Mr. Sandy  Send in a note.  Give me a call.  Send me an e-mail. 

25 Thank you for coming in tonight.  Remember you are one of the most important parts to the success of your child at school. They can’t do it without you.  Contact me whenever you have any concerns or questions. I am here to help both you and your child get through first grade.

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