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Gender Differences and Theories How do we acquire our sense of male and female behavior?

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Differences and Theories How do we acquire our sense of male and female behavior?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Differences and Theories How do we acquire our sense of male and female behavior?

2 The Nature and Nurture of Gender  X Chromosome  the sex chromosome found in both men and women  females have two; males have one  an X chromosome from each parent produces a female child ( XX)  Y Chromosome  the sex chromosome found only in men  when paired with an X chromosome from the mother, it produces a male child (XY)

3 The Nature and Nurture of Gender  Testosterone  the most significant of the male sex hormones  both males and females have it  additional testosterone in males stimulates  growth of male sex organs in the fetus  development of male sex characteristics during puberty  Brain Differences?

4 The Nature and Nurture of Gender  Gender Role  a set of expected behaviors for males and females  Gender Identity  one’s sense of being male or female  Gender-Typing  the acquisition and internalization of a traditional masculine or feminine role

5 Social Learning Theory  Gender Typing or Sex Typing is a result of behavior that is learned  Modeling or Observation  Rewards and Punishments  Sex Typing in the home survey results

6 Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic`  Basic Belief= Sex typing is unavoidable  Environment plays NO role in sex typing  Children will become sex typed because of inborn genetic tendencies ( Nature)

7 Freud’s Stages of Gender Identification PPPPHALLIC STAGE= Children become aware of genital differences at age 2 1/2 to 3  OEDIPAL CONFLICT=  Boys desire Mom  Girls desire dad (Electra)  Unconscious process  Occurs at age 5

8 Freud’s Stages of Gender Identification IIIIDENTIFICATION= Boys and girls act like their same gender parent and become sex typed. OOOOccurs at age 6 or 7

9 Cognitive Developmental  Children are active agents of there own socialization  The process is internal  “I am a boy so I want to do boy things”

10 Gender Schema Theory GGGGender is a pervasive cultural force IIIIt is one of the most influential forces on our behavior-expectations and limits IIIIt organizes the society and culture SSSSandra Bem

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