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EXAMING SOCIAL LIFE Social sciences are disciplines that study human social behavior or institutions and functions of human society. Social interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "EXAMING SOCIAL LIFE Social sciences are disciplines that study human social behavior or institutions and functions of human society. Social interaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXAMING SOCIAL LIFE Social sciences are disciplines that study human social behavior or institutions and functions of human society. Social interaction - how people relate to another and influence each other’s behavior Social phenomena – observable facts or events that involve human society

2 The Sociological Perspective
Studying sociology can help you gain new perspectives on, or views of, yourself and the world around you. Sociological perspective helps you see that all people are social beings. It can also broaden your view of the social world.

3 The Sociological Perspective
Sociological perspective can help you find an acceptable balance between your personal desires and the demands of your social environment.

4 The Sociological Perspective
Finally, the sociological perspective can help you view your own life within a larger social and historical context. It provides insight into how your social environment shapes you and how you, in turn, can shape your social environment. The ability to see the connection between the larger world and your personal life is what C. Wright Mill called sociological imagination.

5 Sociology’s Place in the Social Sciences
Other social sciences: anthropology, psychology, economics, political science, & social history.

6 Sociology’s Place in the Social Sciences
Anthropology – comparative study of past cultures and present simple, or less advanced, societies. Sociology is more focused on group behavior of more complex societies. Psychology deals with the behavior and thinking of organisms. Focuses on individual behavior.

7 Sociology’s Place in the Social Sciences
Social Psychology – study of how the social environment affects an individual’s behavior and personality. Economics is the study of the choices people make in an effort to satisfy their needs and wants.

8 Sociology’s Place in the Social Sciences
Political Science examines the organization and operation of governments History is the study of past events. Sociologist are also interested in the past.

9 Comparing Sociology and other Social Sciences
SIMILAR: Sociology examines the relations between society and culture, the individual economics, politics, and past events which are all the focus of one or more of the social sciences. DIFFER: Sociologist are mainly interested in social interaction and tend to focus on the group rather than the individual

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