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Inquiry Test “What do I need to study?” asked the curious student. “Well, everything that we have covered so far.” replied the wonderful science teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry Test “What do I need to study?” asked the curious student. “Well, everything that we have covered so far.” replied the wonderful science teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inquiry Test “What do I need to study?” asked the curious student. “Well, everything that we have covered so far.” replied the wonderful science teacher.

2 Observations and Inferences  Observations--5 senses  Two classifications of observations  Quantitative (5 senses and/or tools with #’s)  Qualitative (only the 5 senses and words)  Inferences—guesses about what observations mean; an explanation or interpretation of an observation based on prior experiences or supported  Logical  Can be more than on explanation  Must do additional research to determine actual cause

3 Question  Scientific questions-testable  Iv & DV included

4 Research  Reliable sources  Adequate number of sources

5 Hypothesis  Prediction of the expected outcome of the investigation  Based on research (educated guess)  If (IV), then (DV), because (research).

6 Experimental Plan  Identify variables  IV—cause, manipulated variable, input, variable changed on purpose by the investigator, graphed on x-axis  DV—effect, response, responding variable, output, changes in response to the change in the IV, graphed on the y-axis  Controlled variables (constants)—variables that must be kept constant so that they don’t affect the outcome of the investigation MIX DRY

7  Step-by-step procedure  Plan for controlling variables (constants)  Plan for control group and experimental groups  Plan for appropriate tools to be used correctly and accurately each time  Plan for repeated trials  Plan for adequate sample size  Plan for safety Experimental Plan

8  Step-by-step procedure  Plan for accurate measurements  Plan to measure at least twice each and every time you take measurements of any kind  Plan for gathering, recording, and organizing data (charts, tables, etc.) Experimental Plan

9  Plan for analyzing data (graphs, patterns, relationships, mean, median, mode, etc.)  Bar graph-when both qualitative and quantitative data are gathered  Line graph-when quantitative data is gathered, change over time is always graphed on a line graph Experimental Plan

10  Materials list—after the step-by-step procedure has been written, a detailed materials list must be created Experimental Plan

11 Gather Data  Conduct the experiment and gather data in the chart of table that you have planned for in the step-by-step procedure/experimental plan  Gather data from at least three trials  Gather data from an adequate number of samples in each group

12 Analyze Data  Graph data and look for patterns/relationships between the IV and DV  If the IV and DV are both increasing=direct proportion, direct relationship, positive relationship  If the IV and DV are both decreasing=same  If the IV is increasing and DV variable is decreasing=inverse proportion/inverse relationship, negative relationship

13 Analyze Data  Graph data and look for patterns/relationships between the IV and DV  If the points on the graph are scattered all over the place=no relationship

14 Conclude  Conclusion must include:  Restate the hypothesis  State whether or not the results support the hypothesis  Explain how you know whether the results support the hypothesis or not

15 Communicate  Communication is last step of scientific method

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