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Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 1

2 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 This document is a Quick Start Guide for Team On The Run registration. INTRODUCTION 2

3 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 PROCEDURE OVERVIEW 3 Register/create new company on Login as administrator and manage the company by user/groups creation User download Apps from App Store / Google Play User login to on the App and start chat

4 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 Registration on

5 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 REGISTRATION 5  Enter and register in the Subscribe

6 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 REGISTRATION 6  Fill in the information for the account manager and the company, then click CREATE ACCOUNT  The registered Email and password will be used as company administrator

7 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 REGISTRATION 7  A validation email will be sent to the registered email address, click the link inside to continue

8 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 Manage the company

9 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 MY ACCOUNT 9  Login on

10 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 MY ACCOUNT 10  Check the CURRENT OFFER and expiration date, and press GO TO WEB ADMIN

11 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014  Quick add user with first/last name, Mobile Phone Number, Email, position and picture. Remember to add yourself as a user as well! WEB ADMIN CREATE USERS 11

12 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014  The newly created user will receive a welcome Email with the Company ID – remember it. Note: Company ID is the same for all users in your company. WEB ADMIN CREATE USERS 12

13 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 WEB ADMIN CREATE GROUP 13 Add a new group Assign all users into the group Submit

14 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 App Installation and Authentication

15 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014  Download and install App from App Store / Google Play, by searching “team on the run” or “teamontherun” INSTALL APP 15

16 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 AUTHENTICATION IPHONE VERSION 16 Input company ID (from Email) and phone number Shortly you will receive an SMS, press the link inside. App will sync the company’s contacts information in a few seconds Press next to start chat

17 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 AUTHENTICATION ANDROID VERSION 17 Input company id (got from Email) and phone number Shortly you will receive an SMS, App will read this SMS and login automatically Press next to start chat

18 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 Begin messaging!

19 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014  Send  Text  Emojis  Pictures  Locations  Videos  Audio CHAT 19

20 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014  Share files from  Google drive  Dropbox  Your phone  File type support  MS Office document  PDF  Picture  Video FILE SHARE 20

21 Confidential - © 2012 StreamWIDE © StreamWIDE 2014 Thank you

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