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Chapter 20 Section 3 The Holocaust.

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1 Chapter 20 Section 3 The Holocaust

2 Nazi Persecution of the Jews
How many European Jews were killed during the Holocaust? What is the Hebrew word for catastrophe and used specifically to refer to the Holocaust?

3 The Nuremburg Laws What other groups of people besides Jews did the Nazis persecute? What rights did the Nuremburg Laws take away from German Jews? Why did many Jews decide not to leave Germany?

4 Kristallnacht Why was Kristallnacht also called the night of broken glass? Why happened during Kristallnacht? Who were the Gestapo?

5 Jewish Refugees Try to Flee
Kristallnacht and its aftermath marked a significant escalation of Nazi persecution against Jews. (Not a Question to answer) How many Jews left Germany between 1933 and 1939? Who was the prominent scientist who fled Germany?

6 Limits on Jewish Immigration
What did the Nazis take from the Jews that made it difficult to come to America? Few Americans wanted to raise immigration quotas, even to accommodate what group of people?

7 International Response
Why did some countries deny access to Jews with documents?

8 The St. Louis Affair Which country revoked landing certificates for those aboard the SS St. Louis? What countries did the passengers disembark in? What happened to many of those countries? What happened to many of the passengers?

9 The Final Solution What was discussed at the Wannsee Conference in 1942? What was the purpose of concentration camps? Who were brought to the extermination camps?

10 Concentration Camps What were concentration camps built for in 1933?
What was the name of one of the first and largest concentration camps built near the town of Weimar in 1937? What caused many of the people sent to this concentration camp to die?

11 Extermination Camps What extermination camp had 1,600,000 people die at it? How were the prisoners separated upon arrival?

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