Conversation Partnering Directions Guided Project Anthropology 105 Language & Culture.

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1 Conversation Partnering Directions Guided Project Anthropology 105 Language & Culture

2 Chapter 1-General Directions This is a semester long project in which you will serve as a “conversation partner” for student whose first language is different from yours. You are expected to meet with this person on a weekly basis (for each chapter of the book) and follow the instructions outlined in the lecture. Select someone to be your partner and submit this information to the instructor at this point. KEEP NAMES AND OTHER INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL THROUGH YOUR JOURNAL BY USING A PSEUDONYM FOR YOUR PARTNER unless he/she is a classmate. Obtain a journal to record your information and the requirements for each chapter. You may use a notebook or a binder with tabs diving each chapter with the specific requirements. Be sure to have a clear outline at the beginning of your journal and to keep journal notes as you work with your partner. –Please clarify any question with your instructor as they may arise.

3 Chapter 2 Conversation Partners - Kinship Identify basic kin terms, discuss similarities and differences See: W/R pp. 25-27 (CP 2.5)

4 Chapter 2 Conversation Partners - Colors Identify basic color terms and ranges, discuss similarities and differences See: W/R pp. 25 and 23 (CP 2.1 and Web Ex 2.1).

5 Chapter 3 Using Phonetics & Phonemics working with your conversation partners: –map phonemic contrasts –compare phonological systems –use your understanding of phonemes & allophones to assist with accent reduction (or to pronounce your CP’s language better) See Workbook/Reader p. 49.

6 Chapter 4- Words & Sentences In your journal, compare and analyze similarities and differences in word order &/or sentence structure –List various simple verbs –Discuss grammatical similarities & differences Ex. Noun + Verb + Pronoun Ex. Adjective + Noun OR Noun + Adjective –Select a semantic domain (new or old one) and compare words for various items. –Help your conversation partner learn some rules of the English language, such as regular vs. irregular verbs, the 3 affixes for “not,” rules for allomorphs, etc. List how the information from class enabled you to help your Conversation partner.

7 Ch. 6- Communication style, Kinesics, OR Proxemics Describe a difference you have noticed between your own communication style, kinesics, or proxemics and that of your conversation partner. What misunderstanding resulted from this difference? Give a specific example. Describe the misunderstanding: What happened? Where and when did it happen? Was there anyone else involved besides you and your CP? Try to use as much of Hymes’ SPEAKING acronym as you need to guide your answer, but also please try to be brief. Analyze the misunderstanding: What is it about the difference between your two communicative styles, kinesics, or proxemics that seems to have caused the misunderstanding? Go beyond the simple description in #3 above to explore deeper linguistic and cultural patterns. What do you now understand about the differences in communication style, kinesics, or proxemics that exist between you and your CP? Suggest a Repair: What might you do differently the next time you are in a similar situation with your CP? What might your CP do differently the next time he/she is in a similar situation with someone from your culture? Why do you think the repairs you suggest will work? Might they work in all cases? Why or why not?

8 Chapter 6 Non-verbal Communication Optional exercise of Non-Verbal Communication: –Attend a party/gathering, or even a conversation that your partner has from someone of her/his cultural group and identify these differences. Is your partner’s proxemic any different with someone from her/his culture? Identify and list various kinemes messages used. Is the tone of voice, pitch, use of paralanguage different than your culture? Does this culture have any speech substitutes you observe or your partner reports?

9 Chapter 7 Writing and Literacy Compare & analyze similarities and differences in writing systems between you and your conversation partner. –Obtain a text in the language of your conversation partner and try to read it and identify similarities in grammar and words (lexicon). –Read it out loud to your partner and address the rules of grammar and pronunciation. –In your journal describe these aspect and your reaction to this activity.

10 Chapter 8- Most languages develop a form of “play language” or “Pig Latin.” Discuss these language variations with your partner and list some examples as well as the cultural meaning. –What are the rules? –Are there variations? –How is this language similar or different from the one you use in your culture (i.e. Pig Latin)?

11 Chapter 9 Research the linguistic family trees of both your language and your partner’s –How closely related are they? –How distant are they from one another? –List words that share the same roots –Are they members of the same language family? Or the same macro-family? –If the speakers of your two languages came into contact in a long-term trading situation, what kind of pidgin language do you think they might create?

12 Chapter 10 Conclude your semester long ethnography by writing a thorough analysis of your experience with your conversation partner. List concepts, vocabulary, cultural traits, and other aspects you learned from this experience. Will you keep in touch with your partner? How do you feel about this assignment being over? Did you enjoy this assignment? Please give your honest feedback to improve this assignment. Be sure to thank your partner for his/her assistance.

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