Options. The Core Curriculum Subjects that everyone will do : English & English Literature – 3 hours in Year 10, 4 hours in Year 11 Mathematics – 3 hours.

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1 Options

2 The Core Curriculum Subjects that everyone will do : English & English Literature – 3 hours in Year 10, 4 hours in Year 11 Mathematics – 3 hours Science – 5 hours Physical Education – 2 hours a week Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education including Religious Education – 1 hour ICT – 1 hour (Year 10 only)

3 Options 4 more subjects 2 and a half hours per week 5 hours over two week timetable

4 Stages of the Options Process Year 9 Options Assembly to set out key elements of process Weds 23 rd Jan Booklets issued to students/parents prior to Options Evening Thurs 24 th Jan Options information evening with staff and parents Tuesday 29th Jan Consultation with students/tutors/subject teachers/heads of department 30h January - 15th February KS4 options forms returned to tutors by Monday 25th February Analysis of returns and construction of class sizes March Second interviews with students if necessary Druing March Confirmation of students options April/May

5 KS2 APS APS – Average points score from end of KS2 Average of Maths and English KS2 test results using sub levels. Maths 4 and English 4 has an average of 4 APS =27 ( Multiply average level by 6 and add 3) KTS Year 9 students have KS2 APS between 15 and 36 Form tutors have your KS2 APS Everyone is different, different pathways to suit different students. Use of KS2 APS to guide on choices

6 Qualifications Overview General Certificate of Secondary Education Set by a variety of Examinations groups Syllabus sets out relevant content for assessment GCSE Vocational/Applied pathway for students Award (worth 1 GCSE) and Certificate worth 2 GCSEs). Flexible qualification - work well with A levels or higher BTEC at 6th Form Study methods vary from traditional GCSE style to project based work requiring more self study BTEC New measure of achievement introduced a few years ago Consists of science (at least double award not BTEC), English Language, Maths, a modern or ancient language and a humanity subject Worth up to 7 GCSEs at A*-C so has a high level of challenge Students gaining C's or above in each of the subjects listed above will receive a certificate recording their achievement English Baccalaureate Practical Learning Opportunities - an alternative programme for students that involves spending time at college Students attend college for one afternoon a week in Year 10 and an morning a week in Year 11 Leads to a variety of recognised qualifications not normally offered in school, NVQ and City and Guilds PLO



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